Specific objectives carried out during the course are the following:
• reflect on the characteristics of evaluation in education;
• reflect on changes that affect evaluation activities;
• classify different evaluation tools;
• define the relationship between teaching activities and evaluation activities;
• identify elements and functions of evaluation;
• build structured evidence of knowledge;
• analyse data collected through evaluation tools;
• edit the various types of evaluation tools in an appropriate manner.

Knowledge and understanding:
- define and identify the epistemological and methodological context of the discipline;
- know the theory of evaluation in the national, European, international and diachronic context.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- analyse the main evaluation practices of educational processes;
- identify different evaluation methods and tools.
Making judgements
- analyse the different purposes of evaluation in educational practice.
Communication skills
- design and implement specific assessment tools.
Learning skills:
- understand the educational challenge of education, even in national and international comparative analysis context.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course will focus on Educational Assessment and more specifically on the following key topics:

1) development lines, theoretical framework and methods of empirical and educational research in education;

2) design of empirical research in education: problem, hypothesis, experiment, observation, conclusion (hands-on practical assignments).

Core Documentation

P. Lucisano, A. Salerni, "Metodologia della ricerca in educazione e formazione", Carocci, Roma, 2003. Totale pagine: 352.
L. Greenstein, "La valutazione formativa", Utet, Milano, 2016. Totale pagine: 175.

Saggi, capitoli di libri, articoli:
J. Dewey, 1939, Unity of science as social problem, trad. it. in P. Lucisano, L’unità della scienza come problema sociale, “Cadmo”, n. 22, pp. 30-35
G. Benvenuto, A. Giacomantonio, "Un po' di storia della valutazione scolastica", Parte 1. "La docimologia: dalla critica agli esami all’analisi dei principi della valutazione"; pp.1-39. Totale pagine: 39.
Batini F., Bartolucci M., "Sviluppo emotivo e narrazione, dall’empowerment cognitivo alla maturazione dei processi di riconoscimento delle emozioni", in "Le emozioni nei contesti individuali e sociali", Morlacchi ed., 2019, Totale pagine: 11.
C. Corsini, "Inclusione e culture valutative", in S. Polenghi, M. Fiorucci, L. Agostinetto, "Diritti, Cittadinanza, Inclusione", Lecce, Pensa, 2018 pp. 85-94 Totale pagine: 10
C. Corsini, "Sull’utilità e il danno di “misurazione e valutazione” in educazione", in C. Corsini, "Rileggere Visalberghi", Roma, Nuova Cultura, 2018, pp. 13-28. Totale pagine: 16.
I.D.M. Scierri, "Stereotipi di genere nei sussidiari di lettura per la scuola primaria", in "AboutGender - International Journal of Gender Studies", Vol. 6 N° 12 anno 2017, pp. 15-44. Totale pagine: 30.
C. Tomasetto, "Matematica per i maschi, italiano per le femmine: Stereotipi di genere e atteggiamenti verso le materie scolastiche tra genitori e figli", InMind Italia, VI, pp. 19-24. Totale pagine: 6

Type of delivery of the course

The course consists of lectures, aimed at transmitting knowledge (see learning outcomes), and activities based on the active involvement of students, aimed at consolidating the skills (see learning outcomes).

Type of evaluation

Exams have been changed due to the Covid emergency.