22902302 - SEMIOTICS LM50

The aim of the course is to provide an advanced knowledge of the structures and the processes of the empathy, concerning with their cognitive and emotional-affective dimensions, of the understanding of the other and of the human verbal, non verbal and syncretic communication. On one hand this achievement allows an high capacity of analysis, interpretation and action within relation and educational contexts, on the other hand it allows an empowerment of the philosophical and communicative skills and of the analytical and empathic attitudes useful for the coordination of educational plans.

Knowledge and understanding:
Students acquire capacity of analyzing structures and processes of textuality, comunication and cognitive and emotional understanding of the other people either in normal or in atypical conditions of development. They gain competence in the semiotic and philosophy of language domain, inside the framework of cognitive science, in order to use theoretical, psychological, neuroscientific models as advanced methods for planning educational and social interventions in the context of difficulties and unrest and for the coordination of the services.

Applying knowledge and understanding:
Students acquire high capacities of interconnecting knowledge gained in the domain of philosophy of language and semiotics with cognitive science domain, particularly that one concerning with Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Social Cognition, Neuroscience, Cognitive Educational Science. This approach allows the using of this theoretical and methodological integrated competence for the planning, organization, evaluation of socio-educational services and interventions..

Making judgements:
Students must be capable to judge and evaluate the possibilities of the comprehension of the cognitive and emotional universe of the other people within psychological and educational models; to make practical decisions into planning starting with this evaluation. They must be capable to evaluate the impact that texts, verbal, non-verbal and syncretic communication, human empathy and listening attitude have in the actualization of the potential of the normal and atypical subject in order to make more fertile as possible the zone of proximal development of the same subject.

Communication skills:
Students have to communicate their knowledge and learned models within the working group and in pubblic context showing their using of scientific and professional language fit to sufficiently describe and promote understanding, recovery and inclusion processes of the subject inside of the social and educational services that they will coordinate.

Learning skills:
Students must be capable to use knowledge of the semiotics of the human cognition and emotions and the skill of “learning to learn” inside the future post-lauream formative paths (master, PHD) and within professional contexts in which they will be called to carry out the role of social and educational services coordinator.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The aim of the course is top provide an account of the Semiotics of Emotions. More precisely it anayses the two dimensions of the production and comprhension of the emotions not only as a cultural code with a fixed and intersubjective rule governed creativity, but also as a natural function whic has a basis in opur capacity to decode emotion expressions, to share other’s emotions, to develop an emotional and a cognitive role taking and perspective taking to the other’s internal living. The core of the course is articulated in four sections: 1. The first detects the semiotics of the emotions as it is oultined in the theory of Ekman which discovered universal of facial expressions poroviding us the first and only tool for measuring facial movement; 2. The second explains the relationship between semiotics of the emotions, psychology of the emotions and the theory of the empathy; 3. The third investigates the multidimensiuonal models of the empathy, the process of the empathic responsiveness from mirror neurons to role taking and language, the relationship between cognitive and emotional processes; 4. The fourth analyzes the particular case of the lie and the possibility to understand it trough micro facial expressions which reveal what subjects are trying to hide.

Core Documentation

Joseph Le Doux, The emotional brain,The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life,Simon & Schuster, Touchstone 1998,tr.it. Il Cervello Emotivo, Baldini e Castoldi, Milano,1999.
Ekman, P., Basic emotions, In T. Dalgleish & M. J. Power (Eds). Handbook of cognition and emotion, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Sussex,UK,1999 fornito in traduzione italiana.
Ekman, P.,I volti della menzogna. Gli indizi dell'inganno nei rapporti interpersonali, Giunti editore 2011
Paolo Albiero e Giada Matricardi, Che cos'è l'empatia,2006, CAROCCI, Roma, Collana Le Bussole
Barone L., Bacchini D., Le emozioni nello sviluppo relazionale e morale, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2009.

Type of evaluation

The exam takes place in oral form