22910265 - Assessment of learnings and attitudes

The Workshop through reading of Don Quixote aims to develop in the students the ability to analyze the text in critical form, the ability to identify the different levels of reading a narrative text, and to read and interpret social reality through the many suggestions offered by Cervantes' masterpiece. The activities proposed aim to build a critical sensitivity towards the narrative work and the ability to identify parallels between the single narrated episode and the reality surrounding human experience.
Knowledge and understanding:
acquisition of theoretical notions for reading, analyzing and interpreting a narrative text

Applying knowledge and understanding:
ability to analyze, synthesize and interpret information; ability to transfer information in different cognitive domains; ability to acquire and reformulate data and knowledge

Making judgements:
ability to interpret information critically; ability to use information independently in different contexts

Communication skills:
ability to rework a topic in oral and written form.

Learning skills:
ability to understand, interpret and elaborate complex texts.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Theoretical evaluation models are provided in terms of learning both in relation to the characteristics of the development phases and with a view to lifelong learning, together with an updated overview of the procedures for assessing relevant attitudes, and the reverberations they exercise on the main training processes.
In particular, the following topics are studied:
- Evaluation models and functions (formative, summative, of competences);
- Tools and psychological-relational aspects of the assessment of learning in training contexts and educational services;
- Evaluation of cognitive and metacognitive processes, motivation and attitudes.
Indications are added on the interaction between learning processes and attitudes in training contexts and educational services.

Core Documentation

1. Biasi, V. & Bonaiuto, P. (a cura di, 2003), Processi di rappresentazione, emozioni, motivazioni, lineamenti di personalità. Roma: E.U.R.
2. Domenici, G. (2020). Manuale della valutazione scolastica. Roma: Laterza.
3. Biasi, V. (2010). Processi affettivi e dinamiche della conoscenza. Milano: Guerini.

Type of delivery of the course

The course of lessons takes place in traditional mode in presence. The moodle online platform is also activated.

Type of evaluation

The verification test will be written with multiple choice questions and open questions centered on the topics and texts of the course. It should be noted that in the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods for carrying out teaching activities and students' evaluation will be implemented