The course aims to provide the basic scientific-disciplinary skills, concerning the study of the main cognitive (attention, perception, memory, etc.) and affective (emotional regulation, motivation, intention) functions through which the individual interacts with the environment. It also offers basic knowledge about the methods and techniques of psychological research.
By the study of Cognitive and Affective Science the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding:
- Understand the main theoretical approaches and methods for the study of cognitive and affective systems;
- Understand methods and techniques of psychological research;
- Understand the cognitive and affective functioning of the individual according with the neuroscience perspective;
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- Apply knowledge on typical cognitive functioning in educational settings;
- Use research methodology and ethics knowledge to design, implement and discuss research data in educational settings;
Making judgements:
- Develop a critical thinking and make comparisons between the different approaches for educational scopes;
- Develop a critical thinking and make comparisons between different cognitive interventions in socio-educational settings;
Communication skills:
- Read and understand a scientific article;
- Disseminate research data to expert (colleagues, professionals, clinicians) and non-expert (e.g., parents) audiences;
Learning skills:
- Apply research methods to foster problem solving in educational contexts (e.g., bibliographic search skills, hypothesis formulation and testing, data analysis, etc.)
- Encouraging the use of international literature to promote scientific interests and inquiry
- Promote the use of scientific research in educational settings;
By the study of Cognitive and Affective Science the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding:
- Understand the main theoretical approaches and methods for the study of cognitive and affective systems;
- Understand methods and techniques of psychological research;
- Understand the cognitive and affective functioning of the individual according with the neuroscience perspective;
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- Apply knowledge on typical cognitive functioning in educational settings;
- Use research methodology and ethics knowledge to design, implement and discuss research data in educational settings;
Making judgements:
- Develop a critical thinking and make comparisons between the different approaches for educational scopes;
- Develop a critical thinking and make comparisons between different cognitive interventions in socio-educational settings;
Communication skills:
- Read and understand a scientific article;
- Disseminate research data to expert (colleagues, professionals, clinicians) and non-expert (e.g., parents) audiences;
Learning skills:
- Apply research methods to foster problem solving in educational contexts (e.g., bibliographic search skills, hypothesis formulation and testing, data analysis, etc.)
- Encouraging the use of international literature to promote scientific interests and inquiry
- Promote the use of scientific research in educational settings;
teacher profile teaching materials
2) Fausto Caruana, Marco Viola (2018). Come funzionano le emozioni. Il Mulino
The course will address the cognitive and affective mechanisms that underpin the social relationships. The covered topics will focus on the dynamic sinergy between the mind-body union, by proposing a redefinition of the relationships between emotions and other mental domains according to the perspective of modern cognitive science. Ample space will be given to new theories according to which the mind, conceived in its cognitive and emotional aspects, is one with the corporeality and is aimed at the action and the surrounding social environment. In particular, the following topics will be covered: 1) embodied simulation and rejection of the brain metaphor as a "computer"; 2) reward mechanisms and somatic marker theory; 3) the sensorimotor bases of intersubjectivity; 4) Language as action; 5) emotion and embodied cognition; 6) Mirror neurons and the social dimension of emotions; 7) motor contagion and empathyCore Documentation
1) Fausto Caruana, Anna Borghi (2016). Il cervello in azione. Il Mulino2) Fausto Caruana, Marco Viola (2018). Come funzionano le emozioni. Il Mulino
Type of delivery of the course
The course is articulated in 36 hours of lectures. Class attendance is optional but highly recommended. Attending and non-attending students can register on the dedicated page of the Cognitive and Affective Science course in the "Formonline" platform to obtaining course material (i.e., the slides presented during the lessons), participating in discussion forums and performing practical exercises proposed in the classroom.. In case of extension of COVID-19 health emergency, the course will be held online via Microsoft Teams environment.Type of evaluation
The final exam will consist of a written test including 30 multiple-choice questions. An oral integration will follow for those who have passed the written exam with at least 18/30. The online exam registration is mandatory by the due deadline for each exam. The exam registration is due online on the Student Portal. Students with disabilities must contact the teacher at least two weeks before the exam to define exam arrangement. In case of extension of COVID-19 health emergency, the exam will be written and held online via the e-learning platform Formonline and Respondus Lockdown Browser.