Knowledge of main categories of analysis and sociological theories about relationship education-society.
Knowledge of main transformation of education and training systems, in italy, in relationship with the current socio-economic transformations. Skills of analyse and describe the relationships between economic, social and cultural transformations (globalization, communication, innovation of technology, path of life, family, work), and mutation of the educational processes and training.
Method knowledge and skills of analyse the organizational contexts and detect training needs, focusing on disadvanteged groups.
Knowledge of learning processes concerning language and civics by migrants according to immigration rules.


teacher profile | teaching materials


Teaching program
School-Society Relationships: Models and Theories
Socialization, education and training;
Economic development, social stratification, cultural integration;
Theories: human capital, cultural capital, rational choice;
Inequalities, differences, opportunities, social destinies;
Educational and social mobility in Italy;
Training and jobs in post-industrial societies: the case of young people and migrants.
Training and learning: contexts, actors and processes;
Methods and techniques for socio-educational research and for the analysis of training needs

Monographic section:
School / Work Transitions: Young people's study, work and life conditions;
Migrant training and citizenship processes: Integration paths, conditionality and merit principle.

Core Documentation

1. Fischer L. Lineamenti di Sociologia della scuola. Il Mulino 2007.
2. Carbone V., Russo Spena M., Per giungere e per restare. La formazione dei migranti nei contesti di partenza e di approdo. DeriveApprodi 2018 (acquisibile con sconto dall’editore).
3. Carbone V., Gargiulo E., Russo Spena M., I confini dell'inclusione. La Civic integration tra selezione e disciplinamento dei corpi migranti. DeriveApprodi, 2018 (acquisibile con sconto dall’editore).
Introduzione (pp 15-20), dei curatori del volume;
Cap. 2, Integrati ma subordinati (pp.49-84), di Enrico Gargiulo;
Cap. 3, Management delle migrazioni, regimi discorsivi culturalisti e politiche di workfare (pp. 85-138), di Maurizia Russo Spena e Vincenzo Carbone;
Cap. 6, Il problema è «la loro cultura»? Oltre i presupposti della civic integration, uno sguardo sul «processo migratorio» (pp, 187-204), di Maria Perino e Michel Eve.

Articles published in scientific journals:
1. Carbone V., Formazione e precarietà̀ nel basso terziario. Laurearsi in Scienze della Formazione e lavorare nei servizi a Roma, pp. 291-310, DOI: 10.12828/90563, in “Scuola Democratica”, 2/2018.
2. Carbone V., La riarticolazione securitaria del management migratorio: il contrasto dell’immigrazione e la vicenda Riace, pp.135-156, in “la Rivista delle Politiche Sociali / Italian Journal of Social Policy”, 2/2019.

For those who don’t attend the lessons it’s recommended the reading of following texts:
5. Carbone V., Città eterna, precarie vite. Aracne, 2013 (disponibile gratuitamente su richiesta).
6. Benadusi L., Censi A., Fabretti V., Educazione e socializzazione. Lineamenti di sociologia dell'educazione. FrancoAngeli 2004.

(*) sconti del 40% riservati agli studenti inviando una mail: acquisti@deriveapprodi.org; per informazioni v.carbone@uniroma3.it
(**) (Scaricabile dalla sezione Documenti del sito docente, oppure dal sito https://independent.academia.edu/ecarbone).

Reference Bibliography

luciano gallino, dizionario di sociologia, utet paolo jedlowsky, il mondo in questione, carocci elena besozzi, società, cultura, educazione, carocci roberto ciccarelli , capitale disumano, manifestolibri carlo barone, meritocrazia, il mulino

Type of delivery of the course

IAccording to measures against Covid-19 The lessons are going to take place in a synchronous mode on ateneo TEAMS platform, from 7th october 2020, with the following schedule: Wednesday from 10,00 a partire dal giorno 7 Ottobre 2020, con il seguente orario: mercoledì dalle ore 10,00 https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a6b82b751336f4fb09d3e833095411fcd%40thread.tacv2/corso%2520in%2520sincrono%25202020-21?groupId=84d3bb62-eb16-44df-b347-a19d7d78df66&tenantId=ffb4df68-f464-458c-a546-00fb3af66f6a for the general theoretical section: traditional teaching modules, with the aid of video and documental materials; for the themes of monographic study: - seminars, presentation of researches and volumes, interventions by experts - promotion of laboratory activities (analysis of databases, research work, documentation, ...);

Type of evaluation

In relation to the Covid-19 coping measures, the tests will take place only electronically through the Microsoft Teams University platform. Therefore, all candidates are invited to read the regulation and, above all, to update their university profile on the GOMP system, by entering the valid identification document: non-recognition will prevent access to the test.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 22902234 SOCIOLOGIA DEI PROCESSI EDUCATIVI E FORMATIVI 6 CFU in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 N0 CARBONE VINCENZO


Teaching program
School-Society Relationships: Models and Theories
Socialization, education and training;
Economic development, social stratification, cultural integration;
Theories: human capital, cultural capital, rational choice;
Inequalities, differences, opportunities, social destinies;
Educational and social mobility in Italy;
Training and jobs in post-industrial societies: the case of young people and migrants.
Training and learning: contexts, actors and processes;
Methods and techniques for socio-educational research and for the analysis of training needs

Monographic section:
School / Work Transitions: Young people's study, work and life conditions;
Migrant training and citizenship processes: Integration paths, conditionality and merit principle.

Core Documentation

1. Fischer L. Lineamenti di Sociologia della scuola. Il Mulino 2007.
2. Carbone V., Russo Spena M., Per giungere e per restare. La formazione dei migranti nei contesti di partenza e di approdo. DeriveApprodi 2018 (acquisibile con sconto dall’editore).
3. Carbone V., Gargiulo E., Russo Spena M., I confini dell'inclusione. La Civic integration tra selezione e disciplinamento dei corpi migranti. DeriveApprodi, 2018 (acquisibile con sconto dall’editore).
Introduzione (pp 15-20), dei curatori del volume;
Cap. 2, Integrati ma subordinati (pp.49-84), di Enrico Gargiulo;
Cap. 3, Management delle migrazioni, regimi discorsivi culturalisti e politiche di workfare (pp. 85-138), di Maurizia Russo Spena e Vincenzo Carbone;
Cap. 6, Il problema è «la loro cultura»? Oltre i presupposti della civic integration, uno sguardo sul «processo migratorio» (pp, 187-204), di Maria Perino e Michel Eve.

Articles published in scientific journals:
1. Carbone V., Formazione e precarietà̀ nel basso terziario. Laurearsi in Scienze della Formazione e lavorare nei servizi a Roma, pp. 291-310, DOI: 10.12828/90563, in “Scuola Democratica”, 2/2018.
2. Carbone V., La riarticolazione securitaria del management migratorio: il contrasto dell’immigrazione e la vicenda Riace, pp.135-156, in “la Rivista delle Politiche Sociali / Italian Journal of Social Policy”, 2/2019.

For those who don’t attend the lessons it’s recommended the reading of following texts:
5. Carbone V., Città eterna, precarie vite. Aracne, 2013 (disponibile gratuitamente su richiesta).
6. Benadusi L., Censi A., Fabretti V., Educazione e socializzazione. Lineamenti di sociologia dell'educazione. FrancoAngeli 2004.

(*) sconti del 40% riservati agli studenti inviando una mail: acquisti@deriveapprodi.org; per informazioni v.carbone@uniroma3.it
(**) (Scaricabile dalla sezione Documenti del sito docente, oppure dal sito https://independent.academia.edu/ecarbone).

Reference Bibliography

luciano gallino, dizionario di sociologia, utet paolo jedlowsky, il mondo in questione, carocci elena besozzi, società, cultura, educazione, carocci roberto ciccarelli , capitale disumano, manifestolibri carlo barone, meritocrazia, il mulino

Type of delivery of the course

IAccording to measures against Covid-19 The lessons are going to take place in a synchronous mode on ateneo TEAMS platform, from 7th october 2020, with the following schedule: Wednesday from 10,00 a partire dal giorno 7 Ottobre 2020, con il seguente orario: mercoledì dalle ore 10,00 https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a6b82b751336f4fb09d3e833095411fcd%40thread.tacv2/corso%2520in%2520sincrono%25202020-21?groupId=84d3bb62-eb16-44df-b347-a19d7d78df66&tenantId=ffb4df68-f464-458c-a546-00fb3af66f6a for the general theoretical section: traditional teaching modules, with the aid of video and documental materials; for the themes of monographic study: - seminars, presentation of researches and volumes, interventions by experts - promotion of laboratory activities (analysis of databases, research work, documentation, ...);

Type of evaluation

In relation to the Covid-19 coping measures, the tests will take place only electronically through the Microsoft Teams University platform. Therefore, all candidates are invited to read the regulation and, above all, to update their university profile on the GOMP system, by entering the valid identification document: non-recognition will prevent access to the test.