To integrate knowledge about the most interesting voices of contemporary pedagogy with the results of international interdisciplinary research in order to explore the phenomenology of human expression and the problems related to pedagogical action aimed at the expressive realization of the other.

The course aims to achieve the following educational objectives for the student.

In terms of knowledge and comprehension:

- describe the epistemological field and the methodological procedures that characterize the discipline;

- to identify the problematic nodes that pertain to the discipline.

In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:

- to experiment with the methodological knowledge acquired;

- devising paths of pedagogy of expression suitable for different educational contexts.

In terms of autonomy of judgement:

- Linking the theoretical dimension to educational practice in the expressive field;

- Evaluate paths of pedagogy of expression in relation to different educational contexts.

In terms of communication skills:

- to convey the meaning and value of pedagogical attention to expressive dynamics;

- Contribute to the realization of educational projects that develop relational and expressive skills.

In terms of learning capacity:

- interpreting a poetic and theatrical text;

- integrate educational proposals that are inattentive to the dynamics of human expression and understanding.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Be what you say - Say what you are

The course deals with the theme of truth in human communication with the aim of deepening those dynamics that concern becoming able to express oneself and to meet the other in his/her expression.

Ducci E., Essere e comunicare, Anicia, Roma, 2002;
Ducci E., La maieutica kierkegaardiana, Anicia, Roma, 2007;
Pirandello L., Six Characters in Search of an Author (any edition);
Scaramuzzo G., In-tendere. L’umana sophia di Luigi Pirandello, Anicia, Roma, 2005.

The lessons will be combined with the use of the Moodle platform "Forum on line" and Teams. All students are asked to enrol in the course "Modern Theories of Education and Pedagogy of Expression" on both platforms.

Core Documentation

Ducci E., Essere e comunicare, Anicia, Roma, 2002;
Ducci E., La maieutica kierkegaardiana, Anicia, Roma, 2007;
Pirandello L., Six Characters in Search of an Author (any edition);
Scaramuzzo G., In-tendere. L’umana sophia di Luigi Pirandello, Anicia, Roma, 2005.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will take place in presence and using the Moodle "Forum on line" and Teams platforms. All students are asked to enrol in the course "Modern Theories of Education and Pedagogy of Expression" on both platforms. In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: online lessons on the Teams platform.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination in presence. In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19 all the provisions governing the way in which the teaching activities and the students' evaluation will be carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following arrangements will apply: oral examination online.