22910287 - History of educational use of media and/or technology.

History of Education and Communication Processes

Educational objectives:
The course aims to introduce the study of the history of education and communication processes as the history of education; to promote awareness of the application of historical-educational knowledge in the educational professions and in different contexts of training; to stimulate autonomy in the consultation of scientific literature; to encourage the development of listening skills, relationship, communication in the context of educational processes; to build, in a historical perspective, reflective skills aimed at critically interpreting the complexity of phenomena and communication processes.

Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding:
Understand the epistemological foundations of the discipline and today's communicative context in its complexity and historical-educational perspective.

Applying knowledge and understanding:
Acquire and apply knowledge of the history of education and communication processes and specific historiographic methodologies.

Making judgements:
To be able to critically and independently rework disciplinary knowledge, identifying the relationships that historically exist between communicative and educational processes, with particular reference to the evolution in the technological and digital fields and the symbolic reality constructed by media.

Communication skills:
Acquire disciplinary vocabulary and know how to socialize acquired knowledge in the group dimension.

Learning skills:
Knowing how to construct autonomous paths of in-depth study of the specific themes addressed in the course through the interpretive tools proper to the methodology of historical-educational research. Knowing how to consult the sources and the scientific literature of reference.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course intends to make a journey through the chronological stages that the different modes of communication have experienced, from Gutemberg and up to the advent and emergence of multimedia communication in times of globalization, in order to propose a reflection on current communication dynamics and their impact on educational processes. In this perspective and through the instruments of the history of education, the imaginative phenomena of narrative communication from literature to everyday life will be investigated. Particular attention will be devoted to cartoons and to the relationship between narration, educational models and cultural transmission.

Core Documentation

Z. Ciuffoletti, E. Tabasso, Breve storia sociale della comunicazione, Roma, Carocci, 2017.
P. Jedlowski, Storie comuni. La narrazione nella vita quotidiana, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2000.
A. Antoniazzi, Dai Puffi a Peppa Pig: media e modelli educativi, Roma, Carocci, 2017.

Type of delivery of the course

The course aims to offer tools for analysis and interpretative perspectives functional to the development of a research work in which personal reflection, discussion, exercises - both individual and group - can contribute to the understanding of knowledge. Through the reading of scientific papers, will be deepened some key concepts, will be used, also, the narrative film and the reading of picture books as tools of educational communication. Modalities: - synchronous frontal lessons on Teams in which the main themes of the course will be illustrated and deepened; - annotated readings of documents, papers, picture books; - synchronous workshops, debates and exercises on Teams and on Formonline, aimed at promoting critical reading skills, expositive skills and the abilities for personal and group study.


Class attendance is optional, but highly recommended.

Type of evaluation

Oral exam.