Amongst the main shifting objectivies of the course on "Social History of Education" is that of history of education from the abstractness of pedagogical theories to the reality of the subject involved in the educational processes. Such discpline is, indeed, a new frontier the historical and pedagogical researches, grounded on new methodologies and new sources, and aims at understending the actual everiday life of childood, of man, of women, of persons that have of very different educational models.
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The social history of Education Courses's program is focused on the role of education in history with special reference to issues concerning gender (men and women) and social status differences . Special attention will be devoted to the history of family, including the social roles and the educational models that have been devoleped therein. Based on alternative sources, such as diaries biographies and autobiographies and correspondences, will be reconstructing not only the debate on education but also the real life experiences of the subjects involved in educational processes.

Core Documentation

Covato, Pericoloso a dirsi. Emozioni, sentimenti, divieti e trasgressioni nella storia dell'educazione, Unicopli, Milano 2018;
2) Barbagli, Sotto lo stesso tetto. Mutamenti della famiglia in Italia dal XV al XX secolo, Il Mulino, Bologna 2000 (o altro anno di edizione)- capitoli1,2,5.6,7,8,9-.
3)C. Covato, Memorie di cure paterne. Genere, percorsi formativi e storie d'infanzia, Unicopli, Milano 2002;
o, in alternativa:
A. Gramsci, Il Quaderno 12, a cura di Chiara Meta, Edizioni conoscenza, Roma 2018;
o in alternativa:
M.A. Manacorda, Un intellettuale militante. Tra storia, pedagogia e politica, a cura d Carmela Covato e Chiara Meta, Roma, Roma Tre Press 2020o, in alternativa:
Memoria, infanzia, educazione. Modelli educativi e vita quotidiana fra Otto e Novecento, a cura di F. Borruso, Toma-Tre Press, 2021

Type of delivery of the course

Lezioni in presenza, lettura di testi in classe, supporti multimediali. Nel permanere dell'emergenza del Covid-19 le lezioni saranno tenute a distanza su piattaforma teams, secondo le disposizioni dell'Ateneo

Type of evaluation

n the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the assessment methods of the students will be implemented. In particular, the following procedure will be applied: oral exam on Teams.