Know and understand the theoretical foundations of inclusive education.
(Knowledge and understanding)

• Apply the acquired knowledge to address and solve problems related to school inclusion
• Understand and apply the developed skills in a situation.
(Knowledge and understanding skills applied)

• Knowing how to express own point of view about school inclusion and the about effectiveness of music therapy experiences at school based on data, experiences and scientific sources.
(Autonomy of judgment)

• Being able to interact, within an integrated system, with various interlocutors (teachers, family, specialists, etc.) for the comparison and search for solutions in the field of school inclusion.
(Communication skills)

• Develop the ability to learn additional teaching methods for inclusion, including through music therapy
(Ability to learn)
teacher profile | teaching materials


In the perspective of school inclusion, as promoted by international bodies and Italian legislation, the course will deal with the organization of special education and special teaching as a fundamental variable to guarantee the quality of inclusive processes in the various contexts of life (family, school, free time, work).
The course:
• proposes music therapy as an example of an effective way to promote participation in school and social life;
• highlights the importance of the study method as a mastery to be developed for learning and, more generally, for inclusion;
• offers an overview about the most effective ways to carry out an inclusive lesson.

Core Documentation

- L. Chiappetta Cajola, A. L. Rizzo (2016). Didattica inclusiva e musicoterapia. Proposte operative in ottica ICF-CY ed EBE, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
- L. Chiappetta Cajola, M. Traversetti (2017). Metodo di studio e DSA. Strategie didattiche inclusive, Carocci, Roma.
- Chiappetta Cajola, L. (2020). Come fare Sostegno a scuola. Teoria e pratica per la didattica inclusiva. Roma: Anicia (capp. 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, più un capitolo a scelta della seconda parte).
- Calvani, A. (2018). Come fare una lezione inclusiva. Carocci: Roma.

Type of delivery of the course

The course is organized in a blended mode for a total of 72 hours, of which 40 are lectures (traditional learning) and 32 on-line (distance learning). The course will be held in the FIRST semester of the academic year. The traditional learning consists of: - lectures using slides; - laboratory exercises. Lectures are conducted in an interactive way and involve dialogue with students, enhancing their experiences and points of view. The workshop exercises involve students in the application of inclusive teaching methods explained, at a theoretical level, during the lessons. The remote learning consists of: - online activities; - interaction in the forum, - study materials. The online activities involve making available to the students of recorded lessons that the students must listen to and with respect to which it is proposed to elaborate a personal work. The interaction in the forum is stimulated in relation to the contents and the sharing of different points of view. The starting of online activities will be communicated during the first lessons. All information to access the platform will be provided on the teacher's personal page https://scienzeformazione.uniroma3.it/persone/UXByWnZMekNXOWJ6QmJ4MWZpL2lxbHVsWEd1UG81TE1GNkdYK3lTbThNVT0=/avvisi/ and in formonline.

Type of evaluation

The exam includes a written test and an oral test. The written test takes place on the computer, at Piazza Telematica. The written test will consist of a total of 31 multiple choice questions (with 4 answer options, of which only one is correct), relating to the texts in the study program and the activities carried out online. Multiple choice questions will be scored with one point for each correct answer. Points will not be deducted for wrong answers. ATTENTION: carrying out the online activities proposed on the platform is an indispensable prerequisite for taking the written test. The online activities must be delivered at least 15 days before the day of the written test. If the student has not completed the online activities, any passing of the exam will not be validated. Since the exam will be carried out electronically, students are invited to check the validity of their credentials for accessing the "formonline" platform before the day of the exam to avoid delays in carrying out the exam (and obviously have them available on the day of the exam. 'exam). The oral exam will be compulsory for those who pass the written exam with a score between 18 and 24 (included). The oral exam will be optional for those who pass the exam with a grade equal to or greater than 25. Booking for the exam is mandatory and must be made online in the reserved area of ​​the Student Portal by the date set for each session. Online booking is essential for correct recording of the exam, therefore students without a valid booking will not be admitted to the exam. In the most popular sessions, students will be divided into shifts that will be communicated on the teacher's notice board at the end of the exam booking period. In the presence of students with disabilities or with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD), individual needs and the provisions of current legislation are taken into account. Students with disabilities and SLD must contact the teacher at least two weeks before the exam to agree on how to carry out the exam. To take the exam, students (attending and non-attending) follow the same program. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented.