The educational objective of the course is to provide students with theoretical and methodological tools for understanding the cultural processes and consider culture as an important dimension of social action and life.
By the study of Sociology of cultural processes the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge of the birth and evolution of the scientific concept of culture, of cultural differentiation in modern societies, of transformation processes, cultural transmission and understanding of how culture influences society and how society influences culture.
Applying the acquired knowledge to understand the interdependencies of socio-cultural phenomena in the contemporary context:
Developing a critical reflection and Making judgements on the dynamics of differentiation, cultural pluralization
Strengthen reflective and communication skills
Consolidate Learning skills
How to link with other teachings
General Sociology; Sociology of Communication; Sociology of Religion; Anthropology
teacher profile | teaching materials


Program: The birth of the scientific concept of culture; Nature, culture and society; The cultural differentiation in modern societies; How society affects the culture; How culture influences society; The processes of transformation, transmission and cultural preservation.

Core Documentation

L. Sciolla, Sociologia dei processi culturali, Il Mulino, Bologna

The second can be chosen among following books:
A. Caneva, C. Caneva, Cecilia Costa, F. Orlando, L'immaginario contemporaneo. La grande pro-vocazione delle serie Tv, Mimesis, Milano.
C. Caneva, S. Thuruthyil, M. Sinsin, Filosofie in dialogo. Lexikon universale India Africa Europa, Prefazione di Cecilia Costa, Mimesis, Milano (da fare Introduzione, Prefazione, e 6 voci)
D. Bagnaresi, G. Benzi, R.Butera (a cura di) Fellini e il sacro. Studi e testimonianze, LAS, Roma.
E. Tripaldi, L’Etica della ‘cura’ nel Counselling Analitico Transazionale. Spunti di riflessione in Bioetica, Aracne Editore, Roma.
A. Cocozza, L'agire inatteso. Etica, razionalità e competenze, Franco Angeli, Milano.
Stefania Capogna, Tra sociologia del linguaggio e società digitale, Eurolink University Press.

Reference Bibliography


Type of delivery of the course

Lessons and Seminars

Type of evaluation

The exam will take place through the traditional interview with the student in order to ascertain the skills acquired during the course