Divided into participatory lectures and workshops, the course aims at giving the future teacher the specific disciplinary skills related to the History of Art and Architectures, with specific reference to the international twentieth century. The study of descriptive geometry and the conscious use of drawing aims at strengthening the pre-existing graphic skills of each student in order to provide an indispensable and multi-purpose educational instrument. At the same time, the course aims at developing teaching skills needed for organising the curriculum and the teaching/learning process starting from the Art and Image program instructions coming from the ministry of education.
The student knows the art of the nineteenth and twentieth century, the graphic techniques of representation and the program instructions coming from the ministry of education referred to the School of Infancy and Primary School.
the student can perform a formal and iconographic analysis. He also knows how to use graphic techniques such as Monge's projections, the central and accidental perspective. He can design specific educational courses starting from the individual student's educational needs and different cognitive styles.
the student can assess the teaching and methodological needs in order to define appropriate disciplinary paths, understands the different needs of the class group and the individual student.
the student knows how to decline and choose the appropriate educational resources using the means provided by the school and by the historical and artistic territory of belonging
the student knows how to make educational and methodological choices useful to the learning success of the individual pupil moving from a specific analysis of the needs and the different learning styles
The student knows the art of the nineteenth and twentieth century, the graphic techniques of representation and the program instructions coming from the ministry of education referred to the School of Infancy and Primary School.
the student can perform a formal and iconographic analysis. He also knows how to use graphic techniques such as Monge's projections, the central and accidental perspective. He can design specific educational courses starting from the individual student's educational needs and different cognitive styles.
the student can assess the teaching and methodological needs in order to define appropriate disciplinary paths, understands the different needs of the class group and the individual student.
the student knows how to decline and choose the appropriate educational resources using the means provided by the school and by the historical and artistic territory of belonging
the student knows how to make educational and methodological choices useful to the learning success of the individual pupil moving from a specific analysis of the needs and the different learning styles
teacher profile teaching materials
-The processing of information through the perceptual system: sensation and perception
-The relationship between visual and auditory perception: images and music
-Art, perception and visual communication
-The perceptual reading of the work: structural characteristics (line, form, colour)
-The psychological approach: Art Psychoanalysis, Gestalt Psychology, Experimental Aesthetics and Neuroaesthetics.
-Aesthetic experience and emotion with reference also to museum fruition.
-The construction and analysis of framing
-The construction of meaning and the question of point of view: denotation and connotation; rhetoric of images; text/image relationship
-Image/reality relationship; the ambiguity of the image; documenting reality
-Analysis of film language and its historical evolution
-Short forms of communication and audiovisual storytelling: from commercials to social media
Mastandrea, S. (2015/21), “Psicologia dell’arte”, Carocci, Roma.
Telloli, M. T. (2018), “Visivo audiovisivo multimediale”, Dino Audino, Roma.
The course will cover the following topics:-The processing of information through the perceptual system: sensation and perception
-The relationship between visual and auditory perception: images and music
-Art, perception and visual communication
-The perceptual reading of the work: structural characteristics (line, form, colour)
-The psychological approach: Art Psychoanalysis, Gestalt Psychology, Experimental Aesthetics and Neuroaesthetics.
-Aesthetic experience and emotion with reference also to museum fruition.
-The construction and analysis of framing
-The construction of meaning and the question of point of view: denotation and connotation; rhetoric of images; text/image relationship
-Image/reality relationship; the ambiguity of the image; documenting reality
-Analysis of film language and its historical evolution
-Short forms of communication and audiovisual storytelling: from commercials to social media
Core Documentation
Mastandrea, S. (2017), “Psicologia della percezione”, Carocci, Roma.Mastandrea, S. (2015/21), “Psicologia dell’arte”, Carocci, Roma.
Telloli, M. T. (2018), “Visivo audiovisivo multimediale”, Dino Audino, Roma.
Type of delivery of the course
Lectures will take place in presenceType of evaluation
Written exam, with open-ended and multiple choice questions teacher profile teaching materials
- Analysis of the photographic image
- The main photographic genres
- The construction of meaning and the question of point of view: denotation and connotation; rhetoric of images; text/image relationship
- Relationship between image and reality; the ambiguity of the image; documenting the real.
-Construction and analysis of the frame
-Analysis of cinematographic language and its historical evolution
- Short forms of communication and audiovisual storytelling: from commercials to social media
The course will cover the following macro-topics:- Analysis of the photographic image
- The main photographic genres
- The construction of meaning and the question of point of view: denotation and connotation; rhetoric of images; text/image relationship
- Relationship between image and reality; the ambiguity of the image; documenting the real.
-Construction and analysis of the frame
-Analysis of cinematographic language and its historical evolution
- Short forms of communication and audiovisual storytelling: from commercials to social media
Core Documentation
Telloli, Visivo, audiovisivo, multimediale, Dino Audino, 2018.Type of delivery of the course
The course includes 60 hours of lectures (between first and second semester).Type of evaluation
The final exam will be written, with open (and possibly closed) questions.