The course aims to promote and analyze the methodological and practical teaching skills to design, plan and manage inclusive learning environments that refer to a school able to respond coherently to the cultural and environmental complexity that characterizes the present society.
In this inclusive perspective it has made a re-reading of the teacher's role and teaching-learning processes in Infant School and in Primary School.

With the study of Inclusive Education the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- knowledge and understanding of the phenomena that characterize the current school and social reality about inclusive processes;
- knowledge and understanding of the current socio-political, cultural, and scientific debate regarding the transition from the Italian school system to the integration model to the inclusion model;
- knowledge and understanding of the didactic implications of the classroom presence of students who are characterized by high levels of difference.
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding:
- skills to apply real-class procedures and strategies to develop an inclusive environment;
- skills to bring about inclusive didactic forms focused on individualization and personalization processes for all students.
In terms of Making judgements
- Skills to initiate professional context analysis procedures aimed at breaking the barriers to participation and learning that all students may have.
In terms of Communication skills:
- be able to use narrative mediators to facilitate inclusive processes involved in classroom life and school life in general;
- be able to develop forms of networking in order to create a context of inclusive school community.
In terms of Learning skills:
- opening to innovations;
- availability to experimentation;
- ethical involvement in issues raised;
- creativity in our educational point of view.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Through this course we intend to describe the main characteristics of the systemic approach applied to didactics with a view to the inclusive processes that must characterise today's school and society.

More specifically, it is intended to
- analyse the concept of inclusion from the perspective of the different interpretative models that animate the current scientific debate
- identify teaching methodologies and strategies integrating learning models and teaching schemes
- analyse the network of roles in the school community from the perspective of team teaching
- analysing the basic elements of educational and didactic design
- explore the intersectional perspective, with particular attention to the Network dimension and marginalised cultures
- analyse the thought and work of Lev Vygotskij also from the perspective of inclusion
- explore Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences
- analysing the perspectives and possible areas of application of the theory of multiple intelligences in the context of educational design
- analysing and testing inclusive strategies in the educational field
- identify and describe real teaching situations at school to be compared with lesson models and digital and non-digital learning environments
- analysing the impact of new digital media on students' learning processes and related teaching strategies
- explore the new modes of communication and interaction introduced by social media and link them to the complexity of cognitive and relational processes in the light of evolving learning theories
- to analyse and discuss social representations (particularly those conveyed by the media) of disability and diversity

Core Documentation


BOCCI F., DE CASTRO M., ZONA U. Elementi di didattica inclusiva. Teorie e modelli (in pubblicazione, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce)

ZONA U., DE CASTRO M. (2020). Edusfera. Processi di apprendimento e macchine culturali nell’era social. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia.

DE CASTRO M. (2023) Culture, Intersezioni, Reti. Riflessioni pedagogiche e esperienze di formazione per una didattica inclusiva. Milano: Franco Angeli.

one book of your choice from the following:

BOCCI F., STRANIERO A.M. (2020). Altri corpi. Visioni e rappresentazioni della (e incursioni sulla) disabilità e diversità. Roma: Roma Tre-Press, scaricabile gratuitamente su https://romatrepress.uniroma3.it/libro/altri-corpi-visioni-e-rappresentazioni-della-e-incursioni-sulla-disabilita-e-diversita/

ZONA U. C. L. R. James. Alle radici dell'intersezionalità. (in pubblicazione)


BOCCI F., DE CASTRO M., ZONA U. Elementi di didattica inclusiva. Teorie e modelli (in pubblicazione, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce)

ZONA U., DE CASTRO M. (2020). Edusfera. Processi di apprendimento e macchine culturali nell’era social. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia.

DE CASTRO M. (2023) Culture, Intersezioni, Reti. Riflessioni pedagogiche e esperienze di formazione per una didattica inclusiva. Milano: Franco Angeli.


BOCCI F., DE CASTRO M., ZONA U. Elementi di didattica inclusiva. Teorie e modelli (in pubblicazione, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce)

ZONA U., DE CASTRO M. (2020). Edusfera. Processi di apprendimento e macchine culturali nell’era social. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia.

BOCCI F., STRANIERO A.M. (2020). Altri corpi. Visioni e rappresentazioni della (e incursioni sulla) disabilità e diversità. Roma: Roma Tre-Press, scaricabile gratuitamente su https://romatrepress.uniroma3.it/libro/altri-corpi-visioni-e-rappresentazioni-della-e-incursioni-sulla-disabilita-e-diversita/.


BOCCI F., DE CASTRO M., ZONA U. Elementi di didattica inclusiva. Teorie e modelli (in pubblicazione, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce)

ZONA U., DE CASTRO M. (2020). Edusfera. Processi di apprendimento e macchine culturali nell’era social. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia..


BOCCI F., DE CASTRO M., ZONA U. Elementi di didattica inclusiva. Teorie e modelli (in pubblicazione, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce)

Reference Bibliography

The same as the books adopted

Type of delivery of the course

The course, theoretical and practical, includes lectures, group discussions, team working, workshops.


Attendance at lessons is not mandatory

Type of evaluation

The exam includes an oral interview. Students may participate on a voluntary basis in activities and exercises aimed at reducing the training load. During the oral interview, the student will be given the opportunity to present his or her knowledge through connections between the various topics covered in the exam texts.