Know and understand the theoretical foundations of inclusive education.
(Knowledge and understanding)
• Apply the acquired knowledge to address and solve problems related to school inclusion
• Understand and apply the developed skills in a situation.
(Knowledge and understanding skills applied)
• Knowing how to express own point of view about school inclusion and the about effectiveness of music therapy experiences at school based on data, experiences and scientific sources.
(Autonomy of judgment)
• Being able to interact, within an integrated system, with various interlocutors (teachers, family, specialists, etc.) for the comparison and search for solutions in the field of school inclusion.
(Communication skills)
• Develop the ability to learn additional teaching methods for inclusion, including through music therapy
(Ability to learn)
(Knowledge and understanding)
• Apply the acquired knowledge to address and solve problems related to school inclusion
• Understand and apply the developed skills in a situation.
(Knowledge and understanding skills applied)
• Knowing how to express own point of view about school inclusion and the about effectiveness of music therapy experiences at school based on data, experiences and scientific sources.
(Autonomy of judgment)
• Being able to interact, within an integrated system, with various interlocutors (teachers, family, specialists, etc.) for the comparison and search for solutions in the field of school inclusion.
(Communication skills)
• Develop the ability to learn additional teaching methods for inclusion, including through music therapy
(Ability to learn)
teacher profile teaching materials
The course presents:
• the basic elements of organizing inclusive education
• an overview about the most effective ways to lear how reading to understand and study
• the effective math teaching for learners with SLD
• the guidelines for drafting the IEP and the PDP according to current laws.
The course consists of lectures (in-person and online) and a lab. the lab is taught by Prof. De Angelis to whom please refer for all necessary information. The course takes place in the first semester.
-Traversetti, M., Rizzo A.L. (2023). DSA e strategie didattiche efficaci. Come imparare a leggere per comprendere e studiare. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
- Rizzo, A.L., Monaco, A. (20249. Matematica per allievi con discalculia. Roma: Carocci.
In the perspective of school inclusion, as promoted by international bodies and Italian legislation, the course will deal with the organization of special education and special teaching as a fundamental variable to guarantee the quality of inclusive processes in the various contexts of life (family, school, free time, work).The course presents:
• the basic elements of organizing inclusive education
• an overview about the most effective ways to lear how reading to understand and study
• the effective math teaching for learners with SLD
• the guidelines for drafting the IEP and the PDP according to current laws.
The course consists of lectures (in-person and online) and a lab. the lab is taught by Prof. De Angelis to whom please refer for all necessary information. The course takes place in the first semester.
Core Documentation
- Rizzo A. L., Traversetti, M. (2023). Elementi per lo studio della pedagogia e della didattica speciale. Milano: FrancoAngeli.-Traversetti, M., Rizzo A.L. (2023). DSA e strategie didattiche efficaci. Come imparare a leggere per comprendere e studiare. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
- Rizzo, A.L., Monaco, A. (20249. Matematica per allievi con discalculia. Roma: Carocci.
Reference Bibliography
- Chiappetta Cajola, L. (2020). Come fare Sostegno a scuola. Teoria e pratica per la didattica inclusiva. Roma: Anicia. - Calvani, A. (2018). Come fare una lezione inclusiva. Carocci: Roma. - Michell, D., Sutherlan, D. (2022). Cosa funziona nella didattica speciale e inclusiva. Le strategie basate sull’evidenza. Trento: Erickson.Type of delivery of the course
The course allows the achievement of 12 credits. The 12 credits are not divisible and they can be obtained ONLY with a single booking and a single exam. To take the exam it is necessary to carry out ALL the activities provided for in the following three modules: Module 1: teaching of 6 CFU (by Professor Amalia Lavinia Rizzo) Module 2: 3 CFU seminar (by Professor Amalia Lavinia Rizzo) Module 3: 3 CFU laboratory (by Professor Barbara De Angelis). The activities related to Module 1 (teaching) and Module 2 (Seminar) are described below. For Module 3 (laboratory) please refer to the Professor Barbara De Angelis indications. Module 1 - Teaching (6 ECTS) The course includes 36 hours of lessons: - 18 hours are in presence - 18 hours are online on the formonline platform. The lessons in presence involve the use of slides. Distance learning involves the use of video, recorded material and other teaching materials. The lectures in presence are held in an interactive manner and involve the methodological use of dialogue in order to enhance the views and experiences of students and students. Attendance is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended. Module 2 - Seminar - 18 hours in presence The seminar involves students and students in the practical application of the methods of inclusive teaching known and learned during the lessons in presence and distance. Attendance is not mandatory, but is strongly recommended. The teaching and seminar hours will take place in the FIRST semester of the academic year. To take the exam it will be essential to have ALSO carried out the activities foreseen in the laboratory which take place only in the first semester (See the indications of Prof.ssa De Angelis in GOMP and in formonline)Attendance
Attendance at Prof. Rizzo's lectures and Prof. De Angelis' lab is optional, but strongly recommended.Type of evaluation
The examination includes an oral test and a laboratory test. To take the exam, attending and nonattending students follow the same syllabus. The oral test is held with Prof. Rizzo. The performance of the laboratory test is essential for taking the oral test. See also Prof. Barbara De Angelis' instructions about the conduct and evaluation of the workshop. EXAM BOOKING The exam reservation is mandatory and must be made online in the reserved area of the Student Portal by the date established for each appeal. Online booking is essential for a correct record of the exam therefore students without a valid reservation will not be admitted to the exam. In the most attended sessions, students will be divided into shifts that will be communicated on the teacher’s bulletin board at the end of the expiration of the exam booking period. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES AND WITH DSA In the presence of students with disabilities or with Specific Learning Disorders (DSA), the individual needs and the provisions of current legislation are taken into account. Students with disabilities and with DSA must contact the teachers at least two weeks before the exam to agree on any changes to the procedure.