Philosophy and ethics of technology
Educational objectives:
The course aims at giving the students awareness, understanding, and autonomy of judgment in regard to the ethical implications of the introduction of the new technologies in the field of media education and e-learning. In this light, we will discuss questions such as the pervasiveness of algorithmically-based decision-making, the right to privacy, the morally controversial advancements of Artificial Intelligence, and the risks that the infosphere poses to individual autonomy.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: the students will be able to understand the ethical dimensions and problems generated by the development of artificial intelligence.
Applying knowledge and understanding: the students will be able to figure out their way in the complex world of A.I, by identifying its most problematic features.
Making judgements: The students will acquire critical abilities in regard to the world of AI and will be able to understand both its potentialities and risks from the ethical point of view.
Communication skills: the students will be able to deal with and elucidate the information connected with the ethical problems of AI, in its various forms.
Learning skills: the students will be able to use the analytic tools and methods learned during this course in order to understand the ethical problems of the future development of AI.
Educational objectives:
The course aims at giving the students awareness, understanding, and autonomy of judgment in regard to the ethical implications of the introduction of the new technologies in the field of media education and e-learning. In this light, we will discuss questions such as the pervasiveness of algorithmically-based decision-making, the right to privacy, the morally controversial advancements of Artificial Intelligence, and the risks that the infosphere poses to individual autonomy.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: the students will be able to understand the ethical dimensions and problems generated by the development of artificial intelligence.
Applying knowledge and understanding: the students will be able to figure out their way in the complex world of A.I, by identifying its most problematic features.
Making judgements: The students will acquire critical abilities in regard to the world of AI and will be able to understand both its potentialities and risks from the ethical point of view.
Communication skills: the students will be able to deal with and elucidate the information connected with the ethical problems of AI, in its various forms.
Learning skills: the students will be able to use the analytic tools and methods learned during this course in order to understand the ethical problems of the future development of AI.
teacher profile teaching materials
(a) Ethics and philosophy: clarification of terminology
(b) Ethics and technology
c) Human and posthuman
2.Monographic part
a) AI and privacy
b) Body and technology
c) Neurotechnology and neurorights
Additional photocopies of the articles on which the course will be based will be put online (on Moodle) by the lecturer.
1. General part(a) Ethics and philosophy: clarification of terminology
(b) Ethics and technology
c) Human and posthuman
2.Monographic part
a) AI and privacy
b) Body and technology
c) Neurotechnology and neurorights
Core Documentation
Garasic, Mirko Daniel. Leviatano 4.0 - Politica delle Nuove Tecnologie, Luiss University Press, 2022.Additional photocopies of the articles on which the course will be based will be put online (on Moodle) by the lecturer.
Reference Bibliography
Garasic, Mirko Daniel. Leviatano 4.0 - Politica delle Nuove Tecnologie, Luiss University Press, 2022. Additional photocopies of the articles on which the course will be based will be put online (on Moodle) by the lecturer.Type of delivery of the course
The course will be conducted in a blended mode with classroom and online activities.Attendance
Classes will be held in person.Type of evaluation
Oral examination The final assessment will take into account the student's ability to classify the sources studied during the course, the contemporary problems highlighted and to describe the main approaches present in current ethical debates. During the oral examination the lecturer will assess whether the student is able to go beyond what has been taught, dealing with new situations in a creative and original way. The in itinere assessment (option available for attending students only) will give the opportunity to accumulate up to 3 'bonus' points through a PowerPoint presentation of approximately 10 slides (10/15 minutes).