22910284 - Sociologia dei media digitali

Sociology of digital media

The objectives of the course are:
- provide the theoretical and methodological tools to analyze the digital media scenario in the contemporary era;
- promote the ability to understand and interpret the educational implications of digital media in formal and informal contexts.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: ability to analyze and interpret the digital media scenario with particular attention to the change of education / socialization processes.
Applying knowledge and understanding: ability to appropriately use the conceptual and methodological tools necessary to analyze and understand digital media environments and products also in educational and training contexts.
Making judgements: ability to develop a critical reflection on the relationship between digital technologies, education and society.
Communication skills: communicative, socio-relational skills that allow you to work in a group and plan innovative educational actions aimed at specific and differentiated targets.
Learning skills: ability to continually update and renew the wealth of knowledge making it usable in the workplace.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course deals with the critical sociological analysis of "digital media" and "platform capitalism" that seem to represent the paradigm of contemporary societies and cultures. Between utopias and dystopias, while promising freedom, participation and democracy, they constitute themselves as "machines of differences" that reinforce multiscalar inequalities and disparities.

The course is divided into three parts.

In the first part, introductory, after the clarification of the notions of "digital revolution", "network society" and "social media", we will review the fundamental stages of technological innovation in the history of advanced capitalism and the main theoretical approaches of the socio-anthropological field.

In the second part, of a general nature, the economic, political and cultural dimensions of the "networked society" will be analyzed. Particular attention will be paid to the analysis of "learning processes" and "self-construction" and, more generally, to the analysis of "knowledge workers" and forms of "value extraction" through "digital platforms".

In the third part, a monographic study - of a laboratory type - the relationships between digital media, learning processes and transmedia practices of young people will be addressed, through the participation of students in field research activities.

central themes of the course (organized in teaching units of about three hours):

1. Network society, Social media
2. Stages of technological innovation and affirmation of digital capitalism
3. Theoretical approaches to digital media
4. Digital Platform Economy, Click Work,
5. Digital divide, access and control
6. Information, public opinion, politics, participation
7. Digital cultures, the individual on the net, learning, identity, relationships, flips
8. Learning from the network, digital learning environments
9. Digital media and educational processes (formal and informal): transmedia skills and informal learning strategies.
10. Methodological approaches for the analysis of digital media.
11. 1. Laboratory monograph: learning platforms
12. 2. Laboratory monograph: learning platforms

for non-attending students:
• 1. volunteering cultures: social communication models;
• 2. cultures of volunteering: the forms of Participation.

Core Documentation

1. Adam Arvidsson e Alessandro Delfanti, Introduzione ai media digitali, il Mulino.
2. Antonio Casilli, Schiavi del clic, Feltrinelli.

Reference Bibliography

• Deborah Lupton, Sociologia digitale, Pearson. • Giorgio Griziotti, Neurocapitalismo, Eleutera, Milano. (gratis in rete) • Tiziana Terranova, Cultura network. Per una micropolitica dell’informazione, Manifestolibri, Roma • Roberto Ciccarelli, Forza lavoro. Il lato oscuro della rivoluzione digitale, DeriveApprodi, Roma. • Benedetto Vecchi, Tecnoutopie, DeriveApprodi, Roma.

Type of delivery of the course

for the general theoretical section: traditional teaching modules, with the aid of video and documental materials; for the themes of monographic study: - seminars, presentation of researches and volumes, interventions by experts; - promotion of laboratory activities (analysis of databases and digital platforms, research work, documentation, ethnographic observation).


the course does not include compulsory attendance

Type of evaluation

The assessment of learning outcomes will cover: 1. knowledge of the thematic nuclei indicated by the programme 1.1. (see objectives and contents of the programme) 2. particular attention will be paid to the assessment of knowledge: 2.1. of the sociological paradigms of reference, 2.2. of theories on the information society 2.3. the role of digital media in social processes (social change, identity, learning, access, collaboration, control, power, 2.4. the online-offline relationship and transmedia use 3. In addition, both the skills of: 3.1. linguistic and communicative; 3.2. use, formally correct, of the categories of analysis used (e.g. socialization, social learning, digital media, attention economy, digital work informationalism, ...); 3.3. macro/micro sociological analysis of contexts, actors and processes; 3.4. critical evaluation of the theoretical approaches underlying the interpretative models and explanations, both of social problems and of the proposals for intervention; 4. both the capacities of: 4.1. correctly formulate problems and set up surveys and research; 4.2. identify solutions to problems inserted in broader and interdisciplinary contexts; 4.3. integrate knowledge and make judgments even with incomplete data; 4.4. learn and research independently The final evaluation will take into account the student's ability to memorize the main sociological notions and theories that constitute the central themes of the course of study, identify elements characterizing the processes of mediatization of society, recognize the main aspects of the different theoretical frameworks of reference and promptly describe the approaches with a specialized vocabulary. Furthermore, it will take into account the degree of application of knowledge through the production of autonomous reflection/research work that shows the ability to integrate theoretical learning with empirical ones, in analyzing the connected phenomena and interpreting and explaining the factors underlying the social processes studied. During the oral test it will be assessed whether the student is able to go beyond what has been taught, addressing, in a critical, original and creative way, the analysis of social learning and the processes of inclusion in different spheres of social life.There are no intermediate tests on parts of the program which will constitute elements of the final evaluation. The learning measurement criteria include the attribution of a final grade expressed out of thirty.