21801500 - DEMOGRAPHY

The course aims to provide the fundamental methodology for the measurement and analysis of demographic phenomena as well as the knowledge of the main demographic
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21801967 DEMOGRAFIA in Scienze politiche per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo L-36 N0 REYNAUD CECILIA


I part: introduction and basic elements
Introduction to Demography: definition of demography and population; the historical and actual demographic sources
Dimension and structure of population: the total of population, growth rates; population structure.
The dynamics of population: generic and specific rates; standardization; the demographic transition.
The analysis of demographic trends: Lexis diagram; rates and probabilities; longitudinal and yearly analysis.

II part: the methodological study of demographic phenomenon
Mortality: the measures of study on mortality; life-table; child-mortality.
Marriage trend: the marriage rates
Fertility: birth rates; fertility rates; reproductivity.
Migration: main migration sources; migration rates.
Forecasting: the main method of demographic projection.

III part: in-depth studies
European population trends
Population ageing
Child Mortality
Projection of population

Bacci, M. L. (2017). A concise history of world population. John Wiley & Sons.

Core Documentation

Poston, D. L., & Micklin, M. (Eds.). (2005). Handbook of population. Kluwer Academic/Plenum.
Part I Population Structure: 1. Age and Sex, 2 Population Distribution and Suburbanization, 5 Demography of Aging
Part II Population Processes: 12 Fertility, 13 Infant Mortality, 14 Adult Mortality, 15 Internal Migration, 16 International Migration.

Research material
European population: Eurostat, Population and population change statistics (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Population_and_population_change_statistics)
Population ageing: Cap 6 – An ageing society – focus on the elderly in Eurostat People in the EU: who are we and how do we live? (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3217494/7089681/KS-04-15-567-EN-N.pdf)
Mortality: World mortality report 2017 HIghlights
Child Mortality: Levels & Trends in Child Mortality UN Report 2018 pag 1-14
Fertility: World fertility report 2017 HIghlights
Projection of population: World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights

Bacci, M. L. (2017). A concise history of world population. John Wiley & Sons.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be conducted with online lessons: methods and applications on the main demographic dynamics.


The attendance of the course is at the student's choice. The student who chooses to attend the lessons will have the opportunity to acquire in a virtual classroom the methodological tools for the understanding of demographic dynamics.

Type of evaluation

The examination is composed by witten and oral test The written test is composed by 10 questions. The oral examination consists of a comprehensive oral verification test of the entire program. The oral test consists of some questions on the program topics aimed at verifying knowledge and understanding of the main demographic indicators and population dynamics. The examination cannot be sufficient if the student does not have the minimum requirement of knowledge of the main demographic indicators.