21810374 - GEOGRAPHY

acquisition of the knowledge on Earth system functioning and on the interactions between its different components (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere); develop skills for understanding the earth's physical phenomena, their origins and the reasons for their geographical distribution
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20702393-1 GEOGRAFIA I in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 MASETTI CARLA


The first module (6 cfu) will provide an introduction to the knowledge of those physical environmental characteristics of our planet that constitute the natural component of the landscape. Top topics to be covered during the I Module: Basic Concepts of Astronomical Geography; The planet Earth; The representation of the Earth's surface; The lithosphere: minerals and rocks; Stratigraphy and Tectonics; Volcanic phenomena; Seismic phenomena; The Plaque Tettonica and the Evolution of the Earth; Marine hydrography; Continental hydrography; The terrestrial atmosphere; Elements and factors of the climate; Modeling the Earth's surface.

Core Documentation

GEOGRAPHY I module (6 cfu)
Attending students:
- lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course.
Non-Attending Students:
-E. Lupia Palmieri, M. Parotto, Il Globo terrestre e la sua evoluzione,Edizione blu-Seconda edizione,testo unico, Milano, Zanichelli,2019 (ISBN: 978-88-08-32899-1). NB: Chapter-wise topics that are deleted: “Ambiente celeste”, “Sistema solare”, “Luna e il sistema Terra-Luna”, “Storia della Terra” and “Risorse naturali”. From the chapter dedicated to "Pianeta Terra", are TO BE DONEONLY the paragraphs on: "Forma e dimensioni della Terra", "Coordinate geografiche" and "Movimenti della Terra". The following chapters are to be done in its entirety: "La rappresentazione della superficie terrestre", "La crosta terrestre: minerali e rocce"; "La giacitura e le deformazioni delle rocce"; "I fenomeni vulcanici"; "I fenomeni sismici"; "La Tettonica delle placche"; "L’Atmosfera terrestre e i fenomeni meteorologici"; "Il clima e la biosfera"; "l’Ambiente marino"; "I ghiacciai e le acque continentali"; "Il modellamento della superficie terrestre".

Type of delivery of the course

The lessons in presence, which total 36 hours (6 CFU) for each part, will be held in classrooms and accompanied by image projections. The lessons are structured in such a way as to offer a moment of confrontation and continuous participation. NOTE: Due to the Covid emergency, the way in which the teaching activity is carried out may change.

Type of evaluation

I module: The examination will take place orally and will consist on the evaluation of the knowledge of the course content (course notes) or of the texts proposed. NOTE: Due to the Covid emergency, the way in which the examining activity is carried out may change