21801322 - LABOUR LAW

The course of Lbour Law aims to provide students with the basic knowledge of the discipline that regulates labor relations and the employment relationship in the private sector. The purpose is to provide the necessary and sufficient knowledge to be able to carry out a work activity in the sector of labor relations or personnel offices
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21810426 DIRITTO DEL LAVORO in Scienze politiche L-36 ROMEI ROBERTO


- Trade Union Freedom
- Collective bargaining and collective agreement
- Strike and strike in public services
- Full time contract;
- Part time, fixed term contract
- self employment
- Disciplionary procedures
- Emplyment relationship
- Wages
- Working time
- Individual and collective dismissals


Core Documentation

R. Del Punta, Diritto del lavoro, Giuffrè, 2020
O.Mazzotta, Manuale di diritto del lavoro, Cedam, 2020

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons will be given in classroom


Not compulsory

Type of evaluation

Exams will be oral. Questions range from a minimum of three to a maximum of five and concern both the subject of the individual employment relationship and trade union law. The student must show sufficient knowledge of the subject and be able to make connections between the different labour law's topics.