The course deals with the theme of public intervention in the economy and the profound transformations that have affected the subject, mainly driven by European law. The relations between enterprises and public institutions are illustrated with a legal approach, with regard to the constitutional principles that guide economic relations, the structures of government of the economy, the organizational forms of public companies, and the regulatory and control powers, as they have emerged following the liberalization and privatization reforms of the main public utilities.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21810452 DIRITTO PUBBLICO DELL'ECONOMIA in Scienze politiche L-36 LORENZONI LIVIA


The new economic constitution (Articles 41 and 43 of the Italian Constitution) - public services - services of general economic interest - the impact of European law on public economic law - liberalisation and privatisation - liberalisation of network industries and public service management - economic liberalisation and administrative liberalisation - antitrust law - free market principle - regulation and competition law - Indipendent administrative authorities - public contracts and concessions - public goods.

Core Documentation

Lezioni di diritto pubblico dell'economia di FRANCESCA TRIMARCHI BANFI, 2021
Mercati e Istituzioni in Italia Diritto pubblico dell'economia di ENZO CARDI, 2018

Poteri pubblici, mercati e globalizzazione, di Marco D’Alberti, 2008

Type of evaluation

Those attending will be able to take an intermediate test. Non-students will take an oral examination on the entire programme.