The course aims to provide students with the appropriate tools for analysis of Italian constitutional law, with particular reference to questions relating to the relationship between sources of law and between internal and supranational legal systems. Furthermore, the course intends to stimulate a broader reflection on the changes in the constitutional order through the analysis of the case law of the Constitutional Court.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The legal system.
Normative acts and facts.
Constitution and constitutional laws.
Ordinary laws.
Legislative acts of the government.
Other primary sources.
Regional laws.
Government and other authorities' regulations.
Constitutional conventions.
Antinomies and gaps in the system of sources.
Impact of European and international law on Italian law.

Core Documentation

R. Bin - Pitruzzella, Le fonti del diritto, Torino, Giappichelli, 2019, III ed.
M. Siclari (ed.), La Costituzione della Repubblica italiana nel testo vigente, Roma, Aracne, 2021, VI ed.

Reference Bibliography

V. Crisafulli, Lezioni di diritto costituzionale. Parte II, 1. Le fonti normative, VI ed., Padova, Cedam, 1993 ; R. Guastini, le fonti del diritto. Fondamenti teorici, Milano Giuffrè 2010 ; R. Guastini, Interpretare e argomentare, Milano Giuffrè 2011 ; M. La Torre, Il diritto contro se stesso. Saggio sul positivismo giuridico e la sua crisi, Firenze, Olscki, 2020. P. Grossi, L'invenzione del diritto, Bari Laterza, 2017. J. Waldron, The dignity of legislation, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons

Type of evaluation

Oral exam. The exam foresees at least three questions. Attending students can choose the first question.