The course aims to provide a basic preparation on the relation between man and the environment during history; more precisely on the behaviors towards the environment during the different centuries, on the historical roots of environmental problems, on the degree of awareness on the matter, on the single exemplary cases and on the minor ones.

Through the paradigms and categories of historical analysis, we want to provide tools of knowledge and analysis that can be valid for history and for the present.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810545 STORIA DELL'AMBIENTE in Scienze politiche L-36 PAGNOTTA MARIA GRAZIA


The history of energy in the 1900s, between the environmental issue and economic problems
The course will deal with the use of different energies in the 1900s. Steam, electricity, gas, oil, nuclear and renewable sources will be considered by analyzing the cultural, scientific and technological contexts that have followed. The focus of the analysis will be how these different sources have responded to the demand for greater efficiency, representing significant advances in the economy, increases in the ability to create new technologies, but also great leaps in the possibility of changing the environment and consuming ever larger portions of nature. Until the dramatic urgency of a change at the end of the twentieth century.
Exam texts
1) John R. McNeill, Qualcosa di nuovo sotto il sole. Storia dell'ambiente nel XX secolo, Einaudi, Torino 2002;
2) Grazia Pagnotta, Prometeo a Fukushima. Storia dell'energia dall'antichità a oggi, Einaudi, Torino 2020, pp. 186-436;
3) Essays in the exam folder present at the copy shop in via Leonardo da Vinci n. 253 (13 essays).

Core Documentation

1) John R. McNeill, Qualcosa di nuovo sotto il sole. Storia dell'ambiente nel XX secolo, Einaudi, Torino 2002;
2) Grazia Pagnotta, Prometeo a Fukushima. Storia dell'energia dall'antichità a oggi, Einaudi, Torino 2020, pp. 186-436;
3) Essays in the exam folder present at the copy shop in via Leonardo da Vinci n. 253 (13 essays).

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching includes frontal lessons. The attendance of the lessons, although recommended, is not mandatory.


Attendance requires students to take notes of the lessons, since they contain additional information compared to the exam texts.

Type of evaluation

The verification of learning takes place through an oral test, aimed at verifying the level of knowledge of the course topics, and the analytical skills acquired following their study.