The first part is concerned with Microeconomics, where the students will learn how markets and governance structures organize core economic activities, such as production, distribution, and consumption, and the growth of productive resources.
Upon completion of this part students will be able to identify and explain economic concepts and theories related to the behavior of economic agents, markets, industry and firm structures, and government policies. Moreover, students will be able to integrate theoretical knowledge with quantitative evidence in order to explain main economic events. Students will be able to evaluate the consequences of economic activities and institutions for individual and social welfare.
The second part is concerned with Macroeconomics, where the students will learn about the determinants of macroeconomic conditions (national output, employment, inflation), causes of business cycles, and interactions of monetary and financial markets with the real economy, familiarizing themselves in the process with major economic theories of relevance.
Upon completion of the second part students will be able to identify the determinants of various macroeconomic aggregates such as output, unemployment, inflation, productivity and the major challenges associated with the measurement of these aggregates. They will be able to discuss the linkages between financial markets and the real economy, and how these linkages influence the impact of economic policies over differing time horizons.
Moreover, students will be able to describe the main macroeconomic theories of short term fluctuations and long term growth in the economy and they will be able to critically evaluate the consequences of basic macroeconomic policy options under differing economic conditions within a business cycle.
Fruizione: 21810348 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 A - L D'ADDONA STEFANO
Fruizione: 21810348 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 M - Z VITTORI CLAUDIA
MICROECONOMICSEquilibrium supply and demand
Consumers and incentives
Firms and incentives
Perfect competition
The wealth of nations, macroeconomic aggregates, and aggregate income
The good market
The financial market
Monetary and fiscal policies
Open economy and Mundell-Fleming model
Core Documentation
Daron Acemoglu, David Laibson, John A. List "Principi di Economia Politica", Pearson, 3° edizione, 2024.Macroeconomia, Mc Graw-Hill, XI Edizione 2014 [DFS] (di questo testo è disponibile una versione personalizzata per il corso a prezzo ridotto con ISBN 9781308910840)
Additional material on Moodle
Type of delivery of the course
3 weekly meetings in class, including exercise lectures, with the support of online material on Moodle.Attendance
Attendance of the lessons is recommended but not compulsory.Type of evaluation
The exam is written. There is a first intermediate test with multiple choice of 40 minutes. With this test it is possible to obtain a maximum grade of 21/30. Alternatively, the exam is written and consists of two sections: one on Macroeconomics (an exercise and an open question) and one on Microeconomics (an exercise and an open question). The test, lasting 90 minutes, is considered passed by completing 3 questions of your choice.Canali
Fruizione: 21810348 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 A - L D'ADDONA STEFANO
Fruizione: 21810348 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 M - Z VITTORI CLAUDIA
MICROECONOMICSEquilibrium supply and demand
Consumers and incentives
Firms and incentives
Perfect competition
The wealth of nations, macroeconomic aggregates, and aggregate income
The good market
The financial market
Monetary and fiscal policies
Open economy and Mundell-Fleming model
Core Documentation
Daron Acemoglu, David Laibson, John A. List "Principi di Economia Politica", Pearson, 3° edizione, 2024.Macroeconomia, Mc Graw-Hill, XI Edizione 2014 [DFS] (di questo testo è disponibile una versione personalizzata per il corso a prezzo ridotto con ISBN 9781308910840)
Additional material on Moodle
Type of delivery of the course
3 weekly meetings in class, including exercise lectures, with the support of online material on Moodle.Attendance
Attendance of the lessons is recommended but not compulsory.Type of evaluation
The exam is written. There is a first intermediate test with multiple choice of 40 minutes. With this test it is possible to obtain a maximum grade of 21/30. Alternatively, the exam is written and consists of two sections: one on Macroeconomics (an exercise and an open question) and one on Microeconomics (an exercise and an open question). The test, lasting 90 minutes, is considered passed by completing 3 questions of your choice.Canali
Fruizione: 21810348 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 A - L D'ADDONA STEFANO
Fruizione: 21810348 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 M - Z VITTORI CLAUDIA
MICROECONOMICSEquilibrium supply and demand
Consumers and incentives
Firms and incentives
Perfect competition
The wealth of nations, macroeconomic aggregates, and aggregate income
The good market
The financial market
Monetary and fiscal policies
Open economy and Mundell-Fleming model
Core Documentation
Daron Acemoglu, David Laibson, John A. List "Principi di Economia Politica", Pearson, 3° edizione, 2024.Macroeconomia, Mc Graw-Hill, XI Edizione 2014 [DFS] (di questo testo è disponibile una versione personalizzata per il corso a prezzo ridotto con ISBN 9781308910840)
Additional material on Moodle
Type of delivery of the course
3 weekly meetings in class, including exercise lectures, with the support of online material on Moodle.Attendance
Attendance of the lessons is recommended but not compulsory.Type of evaluation
The exam is written. There is a first intermediate test with multiple choice of 40 minutes. With this test it is possible to obtain a maximum grade of 21/30. Alternatively, the exam is written and consists of two sections: one on Macroeconomics (an exercise and an open question) and one on Microeconomics (an exercise and an open question). The test, lasting 90 minutes, is considered passed by completing 3 questions of your choice.