Through the historical-comparative method, the course aims, in the first part, to provide students with the tools to analyze and understand different concepts of law and different ways to legitimate the law in the main legal traditions (Civil law, Common law, legal systems of Islamic countries, main Asian legal systems, South American legal systems). In the second part, the course aims to deepen the historical-comparative aspects of the European integration process and the evolution of the Chinese legal system.


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810427 SISTEMI GIURIDICI COMPARATI in Scienze politiche L-36 TORINO RAFFAELE


Comparative Analysis

Influential Cultural and Political Elements in Legal Systems
Impacts of Historical Transformations on Law

Current Legal Systems:
Common Law
Civil Law
Mixed Systems
Traditional Systems

Fundamental Legal Principles in Legal Systems
Analysis of Legal Cases: Contracts, Civil Liability, Human Rights


The attendance is recommended

Type of evaluation

Completeness of knowledge Analytical and in-depth analysis skills Expressive ability and mastery of terminology

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810427 SISTEMI GIURIDICI COMPARATI in Scienze politiche L-36 TORINO RAFFAELE


Comparative Analysis

Influential Cultural and Political Elements in Legal Systems
Impacts of Historical Transformations on Law

Current Legal Systems:
Common Law
Civil Law
Mixed Systems
Traditional Systems

Fundamental Legal Principles in Legal Systems
Analysis of Legal Cases: Contracts, Civil Liability, Human Rights


The attendance is recommended

Type of evaluation

Completeness of knowledge Analytical and in-depth analysis skills Expressive ability and mastery of terminology