Expected learning outcomes: students will develop their basic language skills and will be able to rework disciplinary elements and themes in an intercultural context.
Fruizione: 21810359 LINGUA, CULTURA E ISTITUZIONI DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 A - L SPANDRI FRANCESCO
The course will tackle this topic through the analysis of the novel by Albert Camus “La Peste” (1947).Core Documentation
1) Albert Camus, “La Peste”, Paris, Gallimard, 1947 (or any other paperback French edition)2) Pierre-Louis Rey, “Camus: l’homme révolté”, Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 95 p. (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
3) Alessia Berardi, “«La Peste» d’Albert Camus: une analyse de la société coloniale algérienne à travers le prisme de l’épidémie”, «Il Tolomeo», n° 22, 2020, pp. 187-202 (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
Grammar Texts (optional):
1) Michèle Boulares, Jean-Louis Frerot, “Grammaire progressive du français” (niveau avancé), Paris, Clé International, 2012
2) Dominique Berger, Anne Charlotte Signoret, Nerina Spicacci, “Savoir-dire, savoir-faire” (niveaux B1/B2), Bologna, Zanichelli 2008
3) Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, “Manuel de français intermédiaire. Corso di lingua francese (B1/B1+)”, Milano, Hoepli, 2017
Camus’s novel and grammar texts are available from: Feltrinelli Bookstore, Via V. E. Orlando, 78/81 Roma.
Type of delivery of the course
Lessons in french language.Attendance
Attendance is optional but highly appreciated.Type of evaluation
Exposé in French (April) + Written Examination, partly in Italian, partly in French (May), or Oral Exam entirely in French (following sessions).Fruizione: 21810359 LINGUA, CULTURA E ISTITUZIONI DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 M - Z TARQUINI VALENTINA
The program is divided into three parts. A first theoretical part will illustrate, in a diachronic key, the morphosyntactic foundations of modern French and some essential phases in the evolution of the French language. A second part will focus on institutional relations between France and the French-speaking world, with particular attention paid to the question of language in the French-speaking South (Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific region). Finally, a third part will focus on the linguistic and discursive analysis of enunciation in the transnational context and will be carried out on a selection of authentic texts indicated in the program and available on Moodle. All texts studied in class will be part of the exam.As Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an essential requirement to register the final exam grade, students who need to pass the B1 test are recommended to check well in advance the class schedule and the exam dates at the Roma Tre University Language Center (CLA).
Those students who already have a language certificate of the above-mentioned level are invited to contact the University Language Center for possible validation of such certificate.
Core Documentation
General textbook:1) Michel Tétu, Qu’est-ce que la francophonie, Vanvers, Hachette, [1997] 2019, pp. 13-21, 37-81 (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
Chapters on the history of French language in France:
2) Françoise Gadet, Ralph Ludwig, Le français au contact d'autres langues, Paris, Éditions Ophrys, 2015, pp. 25-41 (downloadable on Moodle).
3) Lise Gauvin, La fabrique de la langue. De François Rabelais à Réjean Ducharme, Paris, Seuil, 2004, pp. 22-35 + pagine del cap. 3 fornite su Moodle (downloadable on Moodle, compulsory for non-attending students).
Chapters on the French language in the French-speaking world:
4) Françoise Gadet, La variation sociale en français, Paris, Ophrys, 2007, pp. 13-33 (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
5) Lise Gauvin, La fabrique de la langue. De François Rabelais à Réjean Ducharme, Paris, Seuil, 2004, ch. VII (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
From Francophonie to Françafrique:
6) Discours d'Onésime Reclus (fragments) + critical reading from Pinhas (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
7) AA.VV., L'Empire qui ne veut pas mourir. Une histoire de la Françafrique, Paris, Seuil, 2021, pp. 22-25, 44-61, 145-146, 441-449, (downloadable on Moodle, to all students; compulsory pages for non-attending students indicated on Moodle)
ONLY L37. Compulsory for 12 CFU exam:
Tzvetan Todorov, Nous et les autres. La réflexion française sur la diversité humaine, Paris, Seuil, 1989, pp. 21-34, 133-194 (downloadable on Moodle).
TO ALL STUDENTS. One book of your choice (only to be purchased: 10% discount at the Stendhal French bookshop for all Roma Tre students):
- Frantz Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs, 1952 (analysed passages available on Moodle) + downloadable critical reading on Moodle
- Fatou Diome, Le Ventre de l'Atlantique (2003) OR Marianne porte plainte! (Albin Michel: 2017) + downloadable critical reading on Moodle
- Gaël Faye, Petit pays (2016) + downloadable critical reading on Moodle
Grammar manuals recommended for developing language skills (not requested at the examination):
- Michèle Boulares, Jean-Louis Frerot, "Grammaire progressive du français (niveau avancé)", Paris, Clé International, 2012.
- Dominique Berger, Anne Charlotte Signoret, Nerina Spicacci, "Savoir-dire, savoir-faire (niveaux B1/B2)", Zanichelli 2008.
- Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, "Manuel de français intermédiaire. Corso di lingua francese (B1/B1+)", Hoepli, 2017 (downloadable materials and "corrigés" on the official website).
For beginners (A1/A2):
- Berger/Spicacci/Bergamaschi, "Savoir-dire Savoir-faire (A1/A2/B1)", Zanichelli, 2016 (materiale multimediale e «corrigés» scaricabili dal sito ufficiale);
- Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, Jean-Pierre Seghi, "Manuel de français. Corso di lingua francese (A1/A2)", Hoepli, 2012 (CD audio + mp3).
Type of delivery of the course
The course consists of face-to-face lessons in French aimed at the acquisition of fundamental knowledge for the achievement of the training objectives. A method will be provided for preparing one’s "exposé" which will be evaluated as an ongoing test.Attendance
Optional but strongly recommendedType of evaluation
The exam consists of a written test and an "exposé" in French (both foreseen but not compulsory). In the absence of one of the intermediate tests (or both), the exam will be completed (or taken entirely) in oral form during the regular examination sessions. MEASURES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Contact the teacher to set out your disability-related needs. MEASURES FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIFIC LEARNING DISORDER - 30% extra time during written tests; - use of concept maps allowed for oral tests (number of maps limited to 10 on A4 sheets), to be validated by the DSA Tutoring Service and the teacher. Contact the teacher to agree on compensatory measures/instruments and for their approval.Canali
Fruizione: 21810359 LINGUA, CULTURA E ISTITUZIONI DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 A - L SPANDRI FRANCESCO
The course will tackle this topic through the analysis of the novel by Albert Camus “La Peste” (1947).Core Documentation
1) Albert Camus, “La Peste”, Paris, Gallimard, 1947 (or any other paperback French edition)2) Pierre-Louis Rey, “Camus: l’homme révolté”, Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 95 p. (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
3) Alessia Berardi, “«La Peste» d’Albert Camus: une analyse de la société coloniale algérienne à travers le prisme de l’épidémie”, «Il Tolomeo», n° 22, 2020, pp. 187-202 (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
Grammar Texts (optional):
1) Michèle Boulares, Jean-Louis Frerot, “Grammaire progressive du français” (niveau avancé), Paris, Clé International, 2012
2) Dominique Berger, Anne Charlotte Signoret, Nerina Spicacci, “Savoir-dire, savoir-faire” (niveaux B1/B2), Bologna, Zanichelli 2008
3) Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, “Manuel de français intermédiaire. Corso di lingua francese (B1/B1+)”, Milano, Hoepli, 2017
Camus’s novel and grammar texts are available from: Feltrinelli Bookstore, Via V. E. Orlando, 78/81 Roma.
Type of delivery of the course
Lessons in french language.Attendance
Attendance is optional but highly appreciated.Type of evaluation
Exposé in French (April) + Written Examination, partly in Italian, partly in French (May), or Oral Exam entirely in French (following sessions).Fruizione: 21810359 LINGUA, CULTURA E ISTITUZIONI DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 M - Z TARQUINI VALENTINA
The program is divided into three parts. A first theoretical part will illustrate, in a diachronic key, the morphosyntactic foundations of modern French and some essential phases in the evolution of the French language. A second part will focus on institutional relations between France and the French-speaking world, with particular attention paid to the question of language in the French-speaking South (Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific region). Finally, a third part will focus on the linguistic and discursive analysis of enunciation in the transnational context and will be carried out on a selection of authentic texts indicated in the program and available on Moodle. All texts studied in class will be part of the exam.As Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an essential requirement to register the final exam grade, students who need to pass the B1 test are recommended to check well in advance the class schedule and the exam dates at the Roma Tre University Language Center (CLA).
Those students who already have a language certificate of the above-mentioned level are invited to contact the University Language Center for possible validation of such certificate.
Core Documentation
General textbook:1) Michel Tétu, Qu’est-ce que la francophonie, Vanvers, Hachette, [1997] 2019, pp. 13-21, 37-81 (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
Chapters on the history of French language in France:
2) Françoise Gadet, Ralph Ludwig, Le français au contact d'autres langues, Paris, Éditions Ophrys, 2015, pp. 25-41 (downloadable on Moodle).
3) Lise Gauvin, La fabrique de la langue. De François Rabelais à Réjean Ducharme, Paris, Seuil, 2004, pp. 22-35 + pagine del cap. 3 fornite su Moodle (downloadable on Moodle, compulsory for non-attending students).
Chapters on the French language in the French-speaking world:
4) Françoise Gadet, La variation sociale en français, Paris, Ophrys, 2007, pp. 13-33 (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
5) Lise Gauvin, La fabrique de la langue. De François Rabelais à Réjean Ducharme, Paris, Seuil, 2004, ch. VII (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
From Francophonie to Françafrique:
6) Discours d'Onésime Reclus (fragments) + critical reading from Pinhas (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
7) AA.VV., L'Empire qui ne veut pas mourir. Une histoire de la Françafrique, Paris, Seuil, 2021, pp. 22-25, 44-61, 145-146, 441-449, (downloadable on Moodle, to all students; compulsory pages for non-attending students indicated on Moodle)
ONLY L37. Compulsory for 12 CFU exam:
Tzvetan Todorov, Nous et les autres. La réflexion française sur la diversité humaine, Paris, Seuil, 1989, pp. 21-34, 133-194 (downloadable on Moodle).
TO ALL STUDENTS. One book of your choice (only to be purchased: 10% discount at the Stendhal French bookshop for all Roma Tre students):
- Frantz Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs, 1952 (analysed passages available on Moodle) + downloadable critical reading on Moodle
- Fatou Diome, Le Ventre de l'Atlantique (2003) OR Marianne porte plainte! (Albin Michel: 2017) + downloadable critical reading on Moodle
- Gaël Faye, Petit pays (2016) + downloadable critical reading on Moodle
Grammar manuals recommended for developing language skills (not requested at the examination):
- Michèle Boulares, Jean-Louis Frerot, "Grammaire progressive du français (niveau avancé)", Paris, Clé International, 2012.
- Dominique Berger, Anne Charlotte Signoret, Nerina Spicacci, "Savoir-dire, savoir-faire (niveaux B1/B2)", Zanichelli 2008.
- Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, "Manuel de français intermédiaire. Corso di lingua francese (B1/B1+)", Hoepli, 2017 (downloadable materials and "corrigés" on the official website).
For beginners (A1/A2):
- Berger/Spicacci/Bergamaschi, "Savoir-dire Savoir-faire (A1/A2/B1)", Zanichelli, 2016 (materiale multimediale e «corrigés» scaricabili dal sito ufficiale);
- Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, Jean-Pierre Seghi, "Manuel de français. Corso di lingua francese (A1/A2)", Hoepli, 2012 (CD audio + mp3).
Type of delivery of the course
The course consists of face-to-face lessons in French aimed at the acquisition of fundamental knowledge for the achievement of the training objectives. A method will be provided for preparing one’s "exposé" which will be evaluated as an ongoing test.Attendance
Optional but strongly recommendedType of evaluation
The exam consists of a written test and an "exposé" in French (both foreseen but not compulsory). In the absence of one of the intermediate tests (or both), the exam will be completed (or taken entirely) in oral form during the regular examination sessions. MEASURES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Contact the teacher to set out your disability-related needs. MEASURES FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIFIC LEARNING DISORDER - 30% extra time during written tests; - use of concept maps allowed for oral tests (number of maps limited to 10 on A4 sheets), to be validated by the DSA Tutoring Service and the teacher. Contact the teacher to agree on compensatory measures/instruments and for their approval.Canali
Fruizione: 21810359 LINGUA, CULTURA E ISTITUZIONI DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 A - L SPANDRI FRANCESCO
The course will tackle this topic through the analysis of the novel by Albert Camus “La Peste” (1947).Core Documentation
1) Albert Camus, “La Peste”, Paris, Gallimard, 1947 (or any other paperback French edition)2) Pierre-Louis Rey, “Camus: l’homme révolté”, Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 95 p. (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
3) Alessia Berardi, “«La Peste» d’Albert Camus: une analyse de la société coloniale algérienne à travers le prisme de l’épidémie”, «Il Tolomeo», n° 22, 2020, pp. 187-202 (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
Grammar Texts (optional):
1) Michèle Boulares, Jean-Louis Frerot, “Grammaire progressive du français” (niveau avancé), Paris, Clé International, 2012
2) Dominique Berger, Anne Charlotte Signoret, Nerina Spicacci, “Savoir-dire, savoir-faire” (niveaux B1/B2), Bologna, Zanichelli 2008
3) Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, “Manuel de français intermédiaire. Corso di lingua francese (B1/B1+)”, Milano, Hoepli, 2017
Camus’s novel and grammar texts are available from: Feltrinelli Bookstore, Via V. E. Orlando, 78/81 Roma.
Type of delivery of the course
Lessons in french language.Attendance
Attendance is optional but highly appreciated.Type of evaluation
Exposé in French (April) + Written Examination, partly in Italian, partly in French (May), or Oral Exam entirely in French (following sessions).Fruizione: 21810359 LINGUA, CULTURA E ISTITUZIONI DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 M - Z TARQUINI VALENTINA
The program is divided into three parts. A first theoretical part will illustrate, in a diachronic key, the morphosyntactic foundations of modern French and some essential phases in the evolution of the French language. A second part will focus on institutional relations between France and the French-speaking world, with particular attention paid to the question of language in the French-speaking South (Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific region). Finally, a third part will focus on the linguistic and discursive analysis of enunciation in the transnational context and will be carried out on a selection of authentic texts indicated in the program and available on Moodle. All texts studied in class will be part of the exam.As Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an essential requirement to register the final exam grade, students who need to pass the B1 test are recommended to check well in advance the class schedule and the exam dates at the Roma Tre University Language Center (CLA).
Those students who already have a language certificate of the above-mentioned level are invited to contact the University Language Center for possible validation of such certificate.
Core Documentation
General textbook:1) Michel Tétu, Qu’est-ce que la francophonie, Vanvers, Hachette, [1997] 2019, pp. 13-21, 37-81 (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
Chapters on the history of French language in France:
2) Françoise Gadet, Ralph Ludwig, Le français au contact d'autres langues, Paris, Éditions Ophrys, 2015, pp. 25-41 (downloadable on Moodle).
3) Lise Gauvin, La fabrique de la langue. De François Rabelais à Réjean Ducharme, Paris, Seuil, 2004, pp. 22-35 + pagine del cap. 3 fornite su Moodle (downloadable on Moodle, compulsory for non-attending students).
Chapters on the French language in the French-speaking world:
4) Françoise Gadet, La variation sociale en français, Paris, Ophrys, 2007, pp. 13-33 (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
5) Lise Gauvin, La fabrique de la langue. De François Rabelais à Réjean Ducharme, Paris, Seuil, 2004, ch. VII (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
From Francophonie to Françafrique:
6) Discours d'Onésime Reclus (fragments) + critical reading from Pinhas (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
7) AA.VV., L'Empire qui ne veut pas mourir. Une histoire de la Françafrique, Paris, Seuil, 2021, pp. 22-25, 44-61, 145-146, 441-449, (downloadable on Moodle, to all students; compulsory pages for non-attending students indicated on Moodle)
ONLY L37. Compulsory for 12 CFU exam:
Tzvetan Todorov, Nous et les autres. La réflexion française sur la diversité humaine, Paris, Seuil, 1989, pp. 21-34, 133-194 (downloadable on Moodle).
TO ALL STUDENTS. One book of your choice (only to be purchased: 10% discount at the Stendhal French bookshop for all Roma Tre students):
- Frantz Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs, 1952 (analysed passages available on Moodle) + downloadable critical reading on Moodle
- Fatou Diome, Le Ventre de l'Atlantique (2003) OR Marianne porte plainte! (Albin Michel: 2017) + downloadable critical reading on Moodle
- Gaël Faye, Petit pays (2016) + downloadable critical reading on Moodle
Grammar manuals recommended for developing language skills (not requested at the examination):
- Michèle Boulares, Jean-Louis Frerot, "Grammaire progressive du français (niveau avancé)", Paris, Clé International, 2012.
- Dominique Berger, Anne Charlotte Signoret, Nerina Spicacci, "Savoir-dire, savoir-faire (niveaux B1/B2)", Zanichelli 2008.
- Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, "Manuel de français intermédiaire. Corso di lingua francese (B1/B1+)", Hoepli, 2017 (downloadable materials and "corrigés" on the official website).
For beginners (A1/A2):
- Berger/Spicacci/Bergamaschi, "Savoir-dire Savoir-faire (A1/A2/B1)", Zanichelli, 2016 (materiale multimediale e «corrigés» scaricabili dal sito ufficiale);
- Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, Jean-Pierre Seghi, "Manuel de français. Corso di lingua francese (A1/A2)", Hoepli, 2012 (CD audio + mp3).
Type of delivery of the course
The course consists of face-to-face lessons in French aimed at the acquisition of fundamental knowledge for the achievement of the training objectives. A method will be provided for preparing one’s "exposé" which will be evaluated as an ongoing test.Attendance
Optional but strongly recommendedType of evaluation
The exam consists of a written test and an "exposé" in French (both foreseen but not compulsory). In the absence of one of the intermediate tests (or both), the exam will be completed (or taken entirely) in oral form during the regular examination sessions. MEASURES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Contact the teacher to set out your disability-related needs. MEASURES FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIFIC LEARNING DISORDER - 30% extra time during written tests; - use of concept maps allowed for oral tests (number of maps limited to 10 on A4 sheets), to be validated by the DSA Tutoring Service and the teacher. Contact the teacher to agree on compensatory measures/instruments and for their approval.