The course offers a comprehensive overview of the progress made by Europe towards a horizontal and vertical economic integration and provide the knowledge on monetary unions costs and benefits and the reconciliation of the objectives and instruments of the economic and financial policies of the member states and monetary unions. The course aims to analyze models that generate financial crises and public choices on the topics addressed in Treaties, Stability and Growth Pact and in their reforms, as well as those that dominate today's political and economic debate in Europe and in the world. The course is divided into two modules (each one is 4 CFU), linked to the purpose of examining, once the elimination of the commercial barriers has been implemented, the necessary elements for the definition of new rules, in the relation of economic policy between sovereign Member States of the European Union and between this Continent and the rest of the world.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21801913 POLITICA ECONOMICA EUROPEA E DELLE ISTITUZIONI INTERNAZIONALI in Scienze delle pubbliche amministrazioni LM-63 N0 MAGAZZINO COSIMO



Costs of a common currency
The theory of Optimal Currency Areas (AVO) and its criticisms
Benefits of a common currency
Costs and benefits compared
The fragility of incomplete monetary unions
How to complete a monetary union
The transition to a monetary union
The European Central Bank (ECB)
Monetary policy in the Eurozone
Budgetary policies in monetary unions
The euro and the financial markets


Core Documentation

De Grauwe P., Economia dell’unione monetaria, il Mulino, 2019

A book chosen from the following list:
• 1) Alesina A, Favero C., Giavazzi F., Austerità, Rizzoli, 2019
• 2) Pittaluga G.B., Cama G., Banche centrali e democrazia, Hoepli, 2004
• 3) Bini Smaghi L., Morire di austerità, il Mulino, 2013
• 4) Bini Smaghi L., 33 false verità sull’Europa, il Mulino, 2014
• 5) De Romanis V., L’austerità fa crescere, Marsilio, 2017
• 6) Cesaratto S., Chi non rispetta le regole?, Imprimatur, 2018
• 7) Stagnaro C. (a cura di), Cosa succede se usciamo dall’euro?, IBL Libri, 2018

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching includes lectures, but also group exercises assigned during the course. The attendance of the lessons, although recommended, is not mandatory.


Attendance is not mandatory but suggested in order to improve the study method

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of a written and an oral test. Both include theoretical and practical questions relating to the whole program.