he course aims to analyze the main international demographic dynamics and to highlight the dualism between developed countries and less developed countries. This approach aims to provide conceptual tools for interpreting the main dynamics of populations.


teacher profile | teaching materials


- Angeli A., Salvini S., “Introduzione” e “Note Tecniche” in Popolazione e sviluppo nelle regioni del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007.

The demographic transition:
- Natale M. (a cura di), Economia e popolazione, F. Angeli, Milano, 2002, cap. 2, § 2.3, La transizione demografica, pp. 57-64.
- Nobile A., Modernizzazione e transizione demografica. Il cammino della popolazione europea nel XIX secolo, in T. Bonazzi, D. Fiorentino, A. Nobile (a cura di), Nazionalizzazione e modernità, Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2014, pp. 151-167.
- Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, nuova edizione 2018, cap. IV, La demografia contemporanea verso l’ordine e l’efficienza, pp. 147-198

The second demographic transition:
- Natale M. (a cura di), Economia e popolazione, F. Angeli, Milano, 2002, cap. 2, § 2.4, La seconda transizione demografica: un’interpretazione demo-sociale dell’attuale comportamento riproduttivo dei paesi europei, pp. 67-75.
- De Santis G., Demografia ed economia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1997, cap. 3, La teoria della produzione familiare e la razionalità dei comportamenti demografici, pp. 109-156.

Population ageing:
- Reynaud C., L’invecchiamento demografico: situazione, determinanti, conseguenze e soluzioni, Dispense, 2017, 23 pp.
- Sistema sanitario e conseguenze dell’invecchiamento, Dispense, 2017, 14 pp.

Developing countries' population:
- Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, nuova edizione 2018, cap. V, La popolazione dei paesi poveri, pp. 199-262

Population policies and migration
- Bussini O., Politiche di popolazione e migrazioni, Morlacchi Editore, Perugia, nuova edizione 2010, cap. secondo, Le politiche di popolazione, pp.15-36; capitolo terzo, L’attuazione delle politiche di popolazione, pp. 59-86.

China' s demographic policy:
- Farina P., La via cinese alla transizione demografica: dal controllo alla libera scelta, relazione presentata alle VIII Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione, 2-4 febbraio 2009, 20 pp.
- Wang F., Baochang G., Yong C., The End of China’s One-Child Policy, Studies in Family Planning, 47, 1, 2016, pp- 83-86.

International migrations and Italy:
- Guarneri, A. Le migrazioni internazionali , Dispense, 2010, 23 pp.
- Bonifazi C., Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi: realtà e prospettive, in C. Bonifazi (a cura di), Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi: realtà e prospettive, Roma, IRPS-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ePublishing, 2017, pp. 7-41.

The future of population:
- Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, nuova edizione 2018, cap. VI, Il futuro , pp. 263-328.

The program is available, in the form of Educational Material, at the Cartoleria 4 Appunti, Via Chiabrera, 174.

Students who are not attending, in addition to taking the entire examination program, must take two in-depth examinations. In particular, they must choose a theme for developed countries and a theme for developing countries, to be dealt with using at least 3 of the bibliographical references recommended below.
The in-depth examinations should be written in the form of a written essay (about ten pages in total) and should be sent by email to the teacher one week before the date of the exam appeal.

Choose one of the following topics for developed countries, using at least 3 of the articles indicated.

1. La seconda Transizione demografica

• Coleman D., “ Why we don’t have to believe without doubting in the “Second Demographic Transition”—some agnostic comments”, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 2004.

• Coleman D., “Facing the 21st century: new developments continuing problems”, in Macura M., MacDonald A.L., Haug W., The new demographic regime. Population challenges and policy responses, UN, New York, Geneva, 2005.

• Lesthaeghe R., “The Unfolding Story of the Second Demographic Transition”, Population and Development Review, 36(2):2010

• Lesthaeghe R. and Surkyn J., When History moves on: The Foundations and Diffusion of a Second Demographic Transition, Seminar on Ideational Perspectives on International Family Change, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, June 2004.

• Lesthaeghe R. and Neidert L., “The Second Demographic Transition in the United States: exception or textbook example?”, Population and Development Review, 32(4):2006.

• Lesthaeghe R. and Nells K., “From the First to the Second Demographic Transition: an interpretation of the spatial continuity of demographic innovation in France, Belgium and Switzerland”, European Journal of Population, 18, 2002, pp. 325-360.

• Sobotka T. , “The diverse faces of the Second Demographic Transition in Europe”, Demographic Research, vol. 19, article 8, pp. 171-224.

• Van de Kaa D.J., The Idea of a Second Demographic Transition in Industrialized Countries, Paper presented at the Sixth Welfare Policy Seminar of the National Institute of Population and Social Security, Tokyo, Japan, 29 January 2002

• Surkyn J. and Lesthaeghe R., Values Orientations and the Second Demographic Transition (SDT) in northern, western and southern Europe: An update, Demographic Research, Special Collection 3, Article 3, 17 April 2004, pp. 45-86

2. Il declino della fecondità nei paesi sviluppati

1. Kertzer D.I., White M.J., Bernardi L., Gabrielli G., “Italy’s Path to Very Low Fertility: The Adequacy of Economic and Second Demographic Transition Theories”, European Journal of Population, vol. 25, 1, 2008.

2. Livi Bacci M., Il sentiero stretto delle politiche, Relazione presentata al Convegno internazionale “La bassa fecondità tra costrizioni economiche e cambio di valori” , Roma 15-16 maggio 2003

3. Kohler H.P., Billari F.C., Ortega J.A., Low fertility in Europe, causes, implications and policy options, in F.R. Harris (ed.), The baby bust: who will do the work? Who will pay the taxis?, Lahnam, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006, p. 48-109.

4. Sacerdote B., Feyer J., Will the stork return to Europe and Japan? Understanding fertility within developed nations, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 14114, June 2008

5. Goldstein J.R., Sobotka T. and Jasilioniene A., The End of "Lowest-Low" Fertility?, Population and Development Review, Vol. 35, No. 4 (Dec., 2009), pp. 663-699

6. Lant Pritchett L., Viarengo M., Why Demographic Suicide? The Puzzles of European Fertility, Population and Development Review, vol. 38, Supplement, February 2013, pp. 55-71

7. Francesco C. Billari F.C. and Kohler H.P., Patterns of Low and Lowest-Low Fertility in Europe, Population Studies, Vol. 58, No. 2 (Jul., 2004), pp. 161-176

8. Sardon J.P., Fertility in the Developed English-Speaking Countries outside Europe: Canada, United States,Australia and New Zealand, Population (English Edition), Vol. 61, No. 3 (May - Jun., 2006), pp. 267-291

9. Hoorens S. et al., Low fertility in Europe. Is there still reason to worry?, Santa Monica, Rand Corporation, 2011.

10. Sobotka T., Skirbekk V. and Philipov D., “Economic recession and fertility in the developed world”, Population and Development Review, vol. 37, n.2,, June 2011, pp. 267-306.

11. Bongaarts J. and Sobotka T., “A demographic explanation for the recent rise in European fertility”, Population and Development Review, vol. 38, n.1, March 2012, pp. 83-120.

3. L’invecchiamento della popolazione

1. Commissione delle Comunità Europee, Libro verde: “Una nuova solidarietà tra le generazioni di fronte ai cambiamenti demografici”, Bruxelles, 16.3.2005, COM (2005) 94, 25 p.

2. Commissione Europea, Libro verde: Verso sistemi pensionistici adeguati, sostenibili e sicuri in Europa, Bruxelles, 7.7.2010, COM(2010)365, 38 pp.

3. Bongaarts J., Population Aging and the Rising Cost of Public Pensions, Population and Development Review, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Mar., 2004), pp. 1-23

4. Carnes B.A. and Olshansky S.J., “A Realist View of Aging, Mortality, and Future Longevity”, Population and Development Review, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Jun., 2007), pp. 367-381

5. Sanderson W. C. and Scherbov S., “A near Electoral Majority of Pensioners: Prospects and Policies”, Population and Development Review, Vol. 33, No. 3 (Sep., 2007), pp. 543-554

6. Aysan M.F. and Beaujot R., Welfare Regimes for Aging Populations: No Single Path for Reform, Population and Development Review, Vol. 35, No. 4 (Dec., 2009), pp. 701-720

7. McDonald P. and Kippen R., Labor Supply Prospects in 16 Developed Countries, 2000-2050, Population and Development Review, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Mar., 2001), pp. 1-32

8. UNFPA, Ageing in the twenty-first century: a celebration and a challenge, New York, 2012 (utilizzare almeno pp. 12-33)

9. United Nations, Political Declaration and Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, Second World Assembly, Madrid, Spain, 8-12 April 2002

10. Bengtsson T. and Scott K., “Population aging and the future of the welfare state: the example of Sweden”, Population and Development Review, Vol. 37, Supplement, 2011, pp. 158-170.

11. Bloom D. E., Canning D. and Fink G., Implications of population aging for economic growth, Harvard University, Working Paper Series, January 2011.

12. The European Commission on Pension Reform, Population and Development Review, Documents, Vol. 38, n. 3, September 2012, pp. 565-571.

13. Walker A., Maltby T., Active ageing: A strategic policy solution to demographic ageing in the European Union, International Journal of Social Welfare, 21, 1, 2012, pp. 117-130.

14. Rechel B., Grundy E., Robine J, Cylus J., Mackenbach J.P., Knai C., McKeeM., Ageing in the European Union, The Lancet, 381, 9874, 2013, pp. 1312,1322..

Choose one of the following topics for developed countries, using at least 3 of the articles indicated.

1. L’urbanizzazione nei Paesi meno sviluppati

1. Chen A.., Urbanization in China and the Case of Fujian Province, Modern China, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Jan., 2006), pp. 99-130

2. Cohen B., Urban Growth in Developing Countries: A Review of Current Trends and a Caution Regarding Existing Forecasts, World Development, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 23–51, 2004

3. Cohen B., Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for sustainability, Technology in Society 28 (2006) 63–80

4. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, World Urbanization Prospects. The 2014 Revision, United Nations, New York, 2014, pp. 32.

5. Graeme H., Urbanization in Asia: An Overview, Paper prepared for Conference on African Migration in Comparative Perspective, Johannesburg, South Africa, 4-7 June, 2003, 34 pp.

6. Henderson V., Urbanization in developing countries, The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 17, n. 1, 2002, pp 89-112.

7. Kadi, A.S., Halingali, B.I and Ravishankar, P., Problems of urbanization in developing countries. A case study in India, International Journal of Science and Nature, vol. 3(1), 2012: pp. 93-104.

8. Ravallion M., Chen S., Sangraula P., New evidence on the urbanization of global poverty, Population and Development Review, vol.33, n. 4, 2007, pp. 667-701.

9. UN Habitat, The State of African Cities 2014. Re-imagining sustainable urban trsnsition, Nairobi 2014. Cap. I, pp. 14-59.

10. Voigtländer S. et al., Urbanization in developing countries, Journal of Health and Development, vol. 4, n. 1-4, 2008, pp. 135-163.

11. White M.J. et al., Urbanization and environmental quality: insights from Ghana on sustainable policies, in de Scherbiniin et al. (eds.), Urban population-environment dynamics in developing world: case studies and lessons learned, CICRED, Paris, 2009, pp. 153-180.

12. Fox S., Urbanization as a global historical process: theory and evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa, Population and Development Review, vol.38, n. 2, 2012, pp. 285-310. http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/41857380.pdf?_=1460554777685

13. UN-Habitat, Urbanization and Development: Emerging Futures. World Cities Report 2016, Nairobi 2016.

2. Il problema delle “missing women” in Asia

1. Attané I., The demographic impact of a female deficit in China, 2000-2050, Population and Development Review, 32(4), pp. 755-770, December 2006, http://www.jstor.org/stable/20058926

2. Bandyopadhyay M., Missing girls and son preference in rural India: looking beyond popular myth , Health Care for Women International, vol. 24, n. 10, 2003, pp,910 – 926
[chiedere il file alla docente]

3. Banister, J. ‘Shortage of girls in China today.’ Journal of Population Research 21(1), 2004, pp. 19-45.
[chiedere il file alla docente]
4. Coale, A.J., J. Banister, ‘Five decades of missing females.’ Demography 31(3), 1994, pp. 459-479.

5. Das Gupta M., Chung W. and SHUZHUO L., Evidence for an Incipient Decline in Numbers of Missing Girls in China and India, Population and Development Review, 35(2), Dec. 2009, pp. 410-416

6. Ebenstein, A. (2010). ‘The ‘missing girls’ of China and the unintended consequences of the one child policy.’ Journal of Human Resources 45(1):87-115.

7. Googking D., On substituting sex preference strategies in East Asia: does prenatal selection reduce postnatal discrimination?, Population and Development Review, 22(1), March. 1996, pp. 111-125.

8. Guilmoto C.G., The sex ratio transition in Asia, Population and Development Review, Vol. 35, No. 3, (Sept., 2009), pp. 519-549.

9. Johansson S., Nygren O., The Missing Girls of China: A New Demographic Account, Population and Development Review, Vol. 17, No. 1, (Mar., 1991), pp. 35-51

10. Li, S. (2007). ‘Imbalanced sex ratio at birth and comprehensive intervention in China.’ Paper presented at the Fourth Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, 29–31 October, in Hyderabad, India.

11. Nobile A., Zannella M., Gender bias in China and India: an evaluation of “missing girls”, Paper presented at the 4th Annual International Conference of Sociology, 10-13 May 2010, Athens, Greece
[chiedere il file alla docente]

12. UNFPA, Sex imbalances at birth: current trends, consequences and policy implications, UNFPA, 2012, cap. 3, 4 e 5, pp. 33-68.

13. Chung W., Das Gupta M., “The declie of son preference in South Korea: the roles of development and public policy”, Population and Development Review, Vol. 33, No. 4, (Dec, 2007), pp. 757.783

14. Bongaarts J., “The implementation of preference for male offspring”, Population and Development Review, 39(2), 2013 ,pp. 185-208

3. La transizione della fecondità nei Paesi meno sviluppati

1. Agadjanian V., Prata N., War and Reproduction: Angola’s Fertility in Comparative Perspective, Journal of Southern African Studies, Volume 27, Number 2, June 2001, pp. 329-347.

2. Askew Maggwa N., Onyango F., Fertility transitions in Kenya and Ghana: trends, determinants and implications for policy and programs, National Research Council Committee on Population Workshop on Recent trends in fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa. Washington June 15-16 2015

3. Bongaarts J., Fertility transition in developing countries: progress or stagnation? Population Council, Working Paper n. 7, 2008, 19 pp.

4. Bongaarts J., Completing the Fertility Transition in the Developing World: The Role of Educational Differences and Fertility Preferences, Population Studies, Vol. 57, No. 3 (Nov., 2003), pp. 321-335

5. Bongaarts J., The Causes of Stalling Fertility Transitions, Studies in Family Planning, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Mar., 2006), pp. 1-16.

6. Bongaarts J., Africa’s Unique Fertility Transistion, in Casterline J.B., Bongaarts J., Fertility Transition in sub-Saharan Africa, Population and Development Review, supplement to vol. 43, 2017.

7. Bongaarts J., Casterline J., Fertility Transition:Is sub-Saharan Africa Different?, Population and Development review, 38 (Supplement): 153–168 (2012).

8. Casterline J. B.. “The pace of fertility transition: National patterns in the second half of the twentieth century,” in Global Fertility Transition, (eds.) Rodolfo A. Bulatao and John B. Casterline. Population and Development Review, Supplement to Vol. 27. New York: Population Council, 2001, pp. 17-52.

9. Casterline J.B. , Prospects for Fertility Decline in Africa, in Casterline J.B., Bongaarts J., Fertility Transition in sub-Saharan Africa, Population and Development Review , supplement to vol. 43, 2017.

10. Courbage Y., Following in the footsteps of southern Europe: fertility in the Maghreb, Population Bulletin of the United Nations, Completing the fertility transition,Special Issue n. 48-49, 2002, pp. 429-441

11. Garenne M., Situations of fertility stall in sub-Saharan Africa, African Population Studies Vol. 23 N°2/Etude de la Population Africaine, 16 pp.

12. Jordan Smith D., Contradictions in Nigeria’s Fertility Transition: the burdens and benefits of having people, Population and Development Review, vol. 30, n. 2, June 2004, pp. 221-238.

13. Lesthaeghe R., The Fertility Transition in sub-Saharan Africa into the 21st Century, PSC Research Report, 14-823, July 2014.

14. Ortega J.A., The fertility transition in sub-Saharan Africa: Early transition rise and (slow) decline, Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Chicago, 2009.

15. Shapiro D., Gebreselassie T., Fertility Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa: Falling and Stalling, African Population Studies, Vol. 22, No. 2/Vol. 23, No. 1, 2008, 30 pp.

16. Swartz L., Fertility transition in South Africa and its implications on the four major population, Population Bulletin of the United Nations, Completing the fertility transition,Special Issue n. 48-49, 2002, pp. 487-500

17. Ouadah-Bedidi Z., Vallin J., Toward replacement level: unexpected recent changes in Maghrebian fertility, XXXVII Iussp International Conference, Session S410, 2013.

4. Il fenomeno dello Youth Bulge

1. Aning K,& Atta-Asamoah A., Demography, environment and conflict in West Africa, KAIPTC Occasional Paper No. 34, April 2011, 26 pp.

2. Assaad R. and Roudi-Fahimi F, Youth in the Middle East and North Africa: demographic opportunity or challenge?, Population Reference Bureau, 2007, 8 pp.

3. Cincotta R.P., Half a Chance: Youth Bulges and Transitions to Liberal Democracy, ECSP Report , Issue 13, 2008–2009, pp. 10-17.

4. Cummins, M., Ortis, I., When the Global Crisis and Youth Bulge Collide, Double the Jobs Trouble for Youth, UNICEF, Social and Economic Policy Working Paper, 2012. 47 pp.

5. Fuller G.E., The youth crisis in Middle Eastern Society, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, 2004, 13 pp.

6. Fuller G.E., The youth factor. The new demographics of the Middle East and the implications for U.S. policy , The Saban Centrer for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, Analysis Paper, N. 3, June 2003, pp 1-36

7. Moller H., Youth as a Force in the Modern World, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 10, N. 3 (Apr., 1968), pp. 237-260

8. Urdal H, Demograpy and Armed Conflict: Assessing the Role of Population Growth and Youth Bulges, CRPD Working Paper No. 2, September 2011, pp. 14

9. Urdal H, The Demographics of Political Violence: Youth Bulges, Insecurity and Conflict, in Too Poor for Peace? Global Poverty, Conflict and Security in the 21st Cent ury, eds. L. Brainard and D. Chollet, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, DC, 2007, pp. 90-100
[chiedere il file alla docente]

10. Urdal H, A clash of generations? Youth Bulges and political violence, UN/POP/EGM-AYD/2011/10, July 2011, pp. 14

11. USAID, Youth and conflict: , A Toolkit for Intervention, Usaid, Washington, 2005, 31 pp.

12. Lam D., “Youth bulges and youth unemployment”, IZA World of Labor 2014:26

13. Hoffman M., Jamal A., The Youth and the Arab Spring: Cohort Differences and Similarities, Middle East Law and Governance 4 (2012) 168–188.

14. Sommers M., Governance, Security and Culture: Assessing Africa’s Youth Bulge, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, n. 5, 2, 2011.

Core Documentation

- Angeli A., Salvini S., “Introduzione” e “Note Tecniche” in Popolazione e sviluppo nelle regioni del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007.
- Natale M. (a cura di), Economia e popolazione, F. Angeli, Milano, 2002, cap. 2, § 2.3, La transizione demografica, pp. 57-64.
- Nobile A., Modernizzazione e transizione demografica. Il cammino della popolazione europea nel XIX secolo, in T. Bonazzi, D. Fiorentino, A. Nobile (a cura di), Nazionalizzazione e modernità, Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2014, pp. 151-167.
- Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, nuova edizione 2018, cap. IV, La demografia contemporanea verso l’ordine e l’efficienza, pp. 147-198.
- Natale M. (a cura di), Economia e popolazione, F. Angeli, Milano, 2002, cap. 2, § 2.4, La seconda transizione demografica: un’interpretazione demo-sociale dell’attuale comportamento riproduttivo dei paesi europei, pp. 67-75.
- De Santis G., Demografia ed economia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1997, cap. 3, La teoria della produzione familiare e la razionalità dei comportamenti demografici, pp. 109-156.
- Reynaud C., L’invecchiamento demografico: situazione, determinanti, conseguenze e soluzioni, Dispense, 2017, 23 pp.
- Sistema sanitario e conseguenze dell’invecchiamento, Dispense, 2017, 14 pp.
- Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, nuova edizione 2018, cap. V, La popolazione dei paesi poveri, pp. 199-262.
- Bussini O., Politiche di popolazione e migrazioni, Morlacchi Editore, Perugia, nuova edizione 2010, cap. secondo, Le politiche di popolazione, pp.15-36; capitolo terzo, L’attuazione delle politiche di popolazione, pp. 59-86.
- Farina P., La via cinese alla transizione demografica: dal controllo alla libera scelta, relazione presentata alle VIII Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione, 2-4 febbraio 2009, 20 pp.
- Wang F., Baochang G., Yong C., The End of China’s One-Child Policy, Studies in Family Planning, 47, 1, 2016, pp- 83-86.
- Guarneri, A. Le migrazioni internazionali , Dispense, 2010, 23 pp.
- Bonifazi C., Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi: realtà e prospettive, in C. Bonifazi (a cura di), Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi: realtà e prospettive, Roma, IRPS-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ePublishing, 2017, pp. 7-41.
- Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, nuova edizione 2018, cap. VI, Il futuro , pp. 263-328.

Reference Bibliography

Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2018.

Type of delivery of the course

The didactics includes frontal lessons, but also group exercises assigned during the course.


The attendance of lessons, although recommended, is not mandatory.

Type of evaluation

The verification of learning takes place through an oral test lasting about 1 hour, aimed at verifying the level of effective understanding of concepts and the ability of students to apply them in real contexts. However, it is also necessary to make an in-depth examination on Developed Countries and one on Less Developed Countries (in the form of an oral presentation during the course, for those attending, and a written essay to be delivered one week before the exam appeal, for those not attending).

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21801882 DEMOGRAFIA E SVILUPPO in Relazioni internazionali LM-52 N0 Paparusso Angela


- Angeli A., Salvini S., “Introduzione” e “Note Tecniche” in Popolazione e sviluppo nelle regioni del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007.

The demographic transition:
- Natale M. (a cura di), Economia e popolazione, F. Angeli, Milano, 2002, cap. 2, § 2.3, La transizione demografica, pp. 57-64.
- Nobile A., Modernizzazione e transizione demografica. Il cammino della popolazione europea nel XIX secolo, in T. Bonazzi, D. Fiorentino, A. Nobile (a cura di), Nazionalizzazione e modernità, Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2014, pp. 151-167.
- Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, nuova edizione 2018, cap. IV, La demografia contemporanea verso l’ordine e l’efficienza, pp. 147-198

The second demographic transition:
- Natale M. (a cura di), Economia e popolazione, F. Angeli, Milano, 2002, cap. 2, § 2.4, La seconda transizione demografica: un’interpretazione demo-sociale dell’attuale comportamento riproduttivo dei paesi europei, pp. 67-75.
- De Santis G., Demografia ed economia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1997, cap. 3, La teoria della produzione familiare e la razionalità dei comportamenti demografici, pp. 109-156.

Population ageing:
- Reynaud C., L’invecchiamento demografico: situazione, determinanti, conseguenze e soluzioni, Dispense, 2017, 23 pp.
- Sistema sanitario e conseguenze dell’invecchiamento, Dispense, 2017, 14 pp.

Developing countries' population:
- Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, nuova edizione 2018, cap. V, La popolazione dei paesi poveri, pp. 199-262

Population policies and migration
- Bussini O., Politiche di popolazione e migrazioni, Morlacchi Editore, Perugia, nuova edizione 2010, cap. secondo, Le politiche di popolazione, pp.15-36; capitolo terzo, L’attuazione delle politiche di popolazione, pp. 59-86.

China' s demographic policy:
- Farina P., La via cinese alla transizione demografica: dal controllo alla libera scelta, relazione presentata alle VIII Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione, 2-4 febbraio 2009, 20 pp.
- Wang F., Baochang G., Yong C., The End of China’s One-Child Policy, Studies in Family Planning, 47, 1, 2016, pp- 83-86.

International migrations and Italy:
- Guarneri, A. Le migrazioni internazionali , Dispense, 2010, 23 pp.
- Bonifazi C., Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi: realtà e prospettive, in C. Bonifazi (a cura di), Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi: realtà e prospettive, Roma, IRPS-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ePublishing, 2017, pp. 7-41.

The future of population:
- Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, nuova edizione 2018, cap. VI, Il futuro , pp. 263-328.

The program is available, in the form of Educational Material, at the Cartoleria 4 Appunti, Via Chiabrera, 174.

Students who are not attending, in addition to taking the entire examination program, must take two in-depth examinations. In particular, they must choose a theme for developed countries and a theme for developing countries, to be dealt with using at least 3 of the bibliographical references recommended below.
The in-depth examinations should be written in the form of a written essay (about ten pages in total) and should be sent by email to the teacher one week before the date of the exam appeal.

Choose one of the following topics for developed countries, using at least 3 of the articles indicated.

1. La seconda Transizione demografica

• Coleman D., “ Why we don’t have to believe without doubting in the “Second Demographic Transition”—some agnostic comments”, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 2004.

• Coleman D., “Facing the 21st century: new developments continuing problems”, in Macura M., MacDonald A.L., Haug W., The new demographic regime. Population challenges and policy responses, UN, New York, Geneva, 2005.

• Lesthaeghe R., “The Unfolding Story of the Second Demographic Transition”, Population and Development Review, 36(2):2010

• Lesthaeghe R. and Surkyn J., When History moves on: The Foundations and Diffusion of a Second Demographic Transition, Seminar on Ideational Perspectives on International Family Change, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, June 2004.

• Lesthaeghe R. and Neidert L., “The Second Demographic Transition in the United States: exception or textbook example?”, Population and Development Review, 32(4):2006.

• Lesthaeghe R. and Nells K., “From the First to the Second Demographic Transition: an interpretation of the spatial continuity of demographic innovation in France, Belgium and Switzerland”, European Journal of Population, 18, 2002, pp. 325-360.

• Sobotka T. , “The diverse faces of the Second Demographic Transition in Europe”, Demographic Research, vol. 19, article 8, pp. 171-224.

• Van de Kaa D.J., The Idea of a Second Demographic Transition in Industrialized Countries, Paper presented at the Sixth Welfare Policy Seminar of the National Institute of Population and Social Security, Tokyo, Japan, 29 January 2002

• Surkyn J. and Lesthaeghe R., Values Orientations and the Second Demographic Transition (SDT) in northern, western and southern Europe: An update, Demographic Research, Special Collection 3, Article 3, 17 April 2004, pp. 45-86

2. Il declino della fecondità nei paesi sviluppati

1. Kertzer D.I., White M.J., Bernardi L., Gabrielli G., “Italy’s Path to Very Low Fertility: The Adequacy of Economic and Second Demographic Transition Theories”, European Journal of Population, vol. 25, 1, 2008.

2. Livi Bacci M., Il sentiero stretto delle politiche, Relazione presentata al Convegno internazionale “La bassa fecondità tra costrizioni economiche e cambio di valori” , Roma 15-16 maggio 2003

3. Kohler H.P., Billari F.C., Ortega J.A., Low fertility in Europe, causes, implications and policy options, in F.R. Harris (ed.), The baby bust: who will do the work? Who will pay the taxis?, Lahnam, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006, p. 48-109.

4. Sacerdote B., Feyer J., Will the stork return to Europe and Japan? Understanding fertility within developed nations, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 14114, June 2008

5. Goldstein J.R., Sobotka T. and Jasilioniene A., The End of "Lowest-Low" Fertility?, Population and Development Review, Vol. 35, No. 4 (Dec., 2009), pp. 663-699

6. Lant Pritchett L., Viarengo M., Why Demographic Suicide? The Puzzles of European Fertility, Population and Development Review, vol. 38, Supplement, February 2013, pp. 55-71

7. Francesco C. Billari F.C. and Kohler H.P., Patterns of Low and Lowest-Low Fertility in Europe, Population Studies, Vol. 58, No. 2 (Jul., 2004), pp. 161-176

8. Sardon J.P., Fertility in the Developed English-Speaking Countries outside Europe: Canada, United States,Australia and New Zealand, Population (English Edition), Vol. 61, No. 3 (May - Jun., 2006), pp. 267-291

9. Hoorens S. et al., Low fertility in Europe. Is there still reason to worry?, Santa Monica, Rand Corporation, 2011.

10. Sobotka T., Skirbekk V. and Philipov D., “Economic recession and fertility in the developed world”, Population and Development Review, vol. 37, n.2,, June 2011, pp. 267-306.

11. Bongaarts J. and Sobotka T., “A demographic explanation for the recent rise in European fertility”, Population and Development Review, vol. 38, n.1, March 2012, pp. 83-120.

3. L’invecchiamento della popolazione

1. Commissione delle Comunità Europee, Libro verde: “Una nuova solidarietà tra le generazioni di fronte ai cambiamenti demografici”, Bruxelles, 16.3.2005, COM (2005) 94, 25 p.

2. Commissione Europea, Libro verde: Verso sistemi pensionistici adeguati, sostenibili e sicuri in Europa, Bruxelles, 7.7.2010, COM(2010)365, 38 pp.

3. Bongaarts J., Population Aging and the Rising Cost of Public Pensions, Population and Development Review, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Mar., 2004), pp. 1-23

4. Carnes B.A. and Olshansky S.J., “A Realist View of Aging, Mortality, and Future Longevity”, Population and Development Review, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Jun., 2007), pp. 367-381

5. Sanderson W. C. and Scherbov S., “A near Electoral Majority of Pensioners: Prospects and Policies”, Population and Development Review, Vol. 33, No. 3 (Sep., 2007), pp. 543-554

6. Aysan M.F. and Beaujot R., Welfare Regimes for Aging Populations: No Single Path for Reform, Population and Development Review, Vol. 35, No. 4 (Dec., 2009), pp. 701-720

7. McDonald P. and Kippen R., Labor Supply Prospects in 16 Developed Countries, 2000-2050, Population and Development Review, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Mar., 2001), pp. 1-32

8. UNFPA, Ageing in the twenty-first century: a celebration and a challenge, New York, 2012 (utilizzare almeno pp. 12-33)

9. United Nations, Political Declaration and Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, Second World Assembly, Madrid, Spain, 8-12 April 2002

10. Bengtsson T. and Scott K., “Population aging and the future of the welfare state: the example of Sweden”, Population and Development Review, Vol. 37, Supplement, 2011, pp. 158-170.

11. Bloom D. E., Canning D. and Fink G., Implications of population aging for economic growth, Harvard University, Working Paper Series, January 2011.

12. The European Commission on Pension Reform, Population and Development Review, Documents, Vol. 38, n. 3, September 2012, pp. 565-571.

13. Walker A., Maltby T., Active ageing: A strategic policy solution to demographic ageing in the European Union, International Journal of Social Welfare, 21, 1, 2012, pp. 117-130.

14. Rechel B., Grundy E., Robine J, Cylus J., Mackenbach J.P., Knai C., McKeeM., Ageing in the European Union, The Lancet, 381, 9874, 2013, pp. 1312,1322..

Choose one of the following topics for developed countries, using at least 3 of the articles indicated.

1. L’urbanizzazione nei Paesi meno sviluppati

1. Chen A.., Urbanization in China and the Case of Fujian Province, Modern China, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Jan., 2006), pp. 99-130

2. Cohen B., Urban Growth in Developing Countries: A Review of Current Trends and a Caution Regarding Existing Forecasts, World Development, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 23–51, 2004

3. Cohen B., Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for sustainability, Technology in Society 28 (2006) 63–80

4. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, World Urbanization Prospects. The 2014 Revision, United Nations, New York, 2014, pp. 32.

5. Graeme H., Urbanization in Asia: An Overview, Paper prepared for Conference on African Migration in Comparative Perspective, Johannesburg, South Africa, 4-7 June, 2003, 34 pp.

6. Henderson V., Urbanization in developing countries, The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 17, n. 1, 2002, pp 89-112.

7. Kadi, A.S., Halingali, B.I and Ravishankar, P., Problems of urbanization in developing countries. A case study in India, International Journal of Science and Nature, vol. 3(1), 2012: pp. 93-104.

8. Ravallion M., Chen S., Sangraula P., New evidence on the urbanization of global poverty, Population and Development Review, vol.33, n. 4, 2007, pp. 667-701.

9. UN Habitat, The State of African Cities 2014. Re-imagining sustainable urban trsnsition, Nairobi 2014. Cap. I, pp. 14-59.

10. Voigtländer S. et al., Urbanization in developing countries, Journal of Health and Development, vol. 4, n. 1-4, 2008, pp. 135-163.

11. White M.J. et al., Urbanization and environmental quality: insights from Ghana on sustainable policies, in de Scherbiniin et al. (eds.), Urban population-environment dynamics in developing world: case studies and lessons learned, CICRED, Paris, 2009, pp. 153-180.

12. Fox S., Urbanization as a global historical process: theory and evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa, Population and Development Review, vol.38, n. 2, 2012, pp. 285-310. http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/41857380.pdf?_=1460554777685

13. UN-Habitat, Urbanization and Development: Emerging Futures. World Cities Report 2016, Nairobi 2016.

2. Il problema delle “missing women” in Asia

1. Attané I., The demographic impact of a female deficit in China, 2000-2050, Population and Development Review, 32(4), pp. 755-770, December 2006, http://www.jstor.org/stable/20058926

2. Bandyopadhyay M., Missing girls and son preference in rural India: looking beyond popular myth , Health Care for Women International, vol. 24, n. 10, 2003, pp,910 – 926
[chiedere il file alla docente]

3. Banister, J. ‘Shortage of girls in China today.’ Journal of Population Research 21(1), 2004, pp. 19-45.
[chiedere il file alla docente]
4. Coale, A.J., J. Banister, ‘Five decades of missing females.’ Demography 31(3), 1994, pp. 459-479.

5. Das Gupta M., Chung W. and SHUZHUO L., Evidence for an Incipient Decline in Numbers of Missing Girls in China and India, Population and Development Review, 35(2), Dec. 2009, pp. 410-416

6. Ebenstein, A. (2010). ‘The ‘missing girls’ of China and the unintended consequences of the one child policy.’ Journal of Human Resources 45(1):87-115.

7. Googking D., On substituting sex preference strategies in East Asia: does prenatal selection reduce postnatal discrimination?, Population and Development Review, 22(1), March. 1996, pp. 111-125.

8. Guilmoto C.G., The sex ratio transition in Asia, Population and Development Review, Vol. 35, No. 3, (Sept., 2009), pp. 519-549.

9. Johansson S., Nygren O., The Missing Girls of China: A New Demographic Account, Population and Development Review, Vol. 17, No. 1, (Mar., 1991), pp. 35-51

10. Li, S. (2007). ‘Imbalanced sex ratio at birth and comprehensive intervention in China.’ Paper presented at the Fourth Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, 29–31 October, in Hyderabad, India.

11. Nobile A., Zannella M., Gender bias in China and India: an evaluation of “missing girls”, Paper presented at the 4th Annual International Conference of Sociology, 10-13 May 2010, Athens, Greece
[chiedere il file alla docente]

12. UNFPA, Sex imbalances at birth: current trends, consequences and policy implications, UNFPA, 2012, cap. 3, 4 e 5, pp. 33-68.

13. Chung W., Das Gupta M., “The declie of son preference in South Korea: the roles of development and public policy”, Population and Development Review, Vol. 33, No. 4, (Dec, 2007), pp. 757.783

14. Bongaarts J., “The implementation of preference for male offspring”, Population and Development Review, 39(2), 2013 ,pp. 185-208

3. La transizione della fecondità nei Paesi meno sviluppati

1. Agadjanian V., Prata N., War and Reproduction: Angola’s Fertility in Comparative Perspective, Journal of Southern African Studies, Volume 27, Number 2, June 2001, pp. 329-347.

2. Askew Maggwa N., Onyango F., Fertility transitions in Kenya and Ghana: trends, determinants and implications for policy and programs, National Research Council Committee on Population Workshop on Recent trends in fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa. Washington June 15-16 2015

3. Bongaarts J., Fertility transition in developing countries: progress or stagnation? Population Council, Working Paper n. 7, 2008, 19 pp.

4. Bongaarts J., Completing the Fertility Transition in the Developing World: The Role of Educational Differences and Fertility Preferences, Population Studies, Vol. 57, No. 3 (Nov., 2003), pp. 321-335

5. Bongaarts J., The Causes of Stalling Fertility Transitions, Studies in Family Planning, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Mar., 2006), pp. 1-16.

6. Bongaarts J., Africa’s Unique Fertility Transistion, in Casterline J.B., Bongaarts J., Fertility Transition in sub-Saharan Africa, Population and Development Review, supplement to vol. 43, 2017.

7. Bongaarts J., Casterline J., Fertility Transition:Is sub-Saharan Africa Different?, Population and Development review, 38 (Supplement): 153–168 (2012).

8. Casterline J. B.. “The pace of fertility transition: National patterns in the second half of the twentieth century,” in Global Fertility Transition, (eds.) Rodolfo A. Bulatao and John B. Casterline. Population and Development Review, Supplement to Vol. 27. New York: Population Council, 2001, pp. 17-52.

9. Casterline J.B. , Prospects for Fertility Decline in Africa, in Casterline J.B., Bongaarts J., Fertility Transition in sub-Saharan Africa, Population and Development Review , supplement to vol. 43, 2017.

10. Courbage Y., Following in the footsteps of southern Europe: fertility in the Maghreb, Population Bulletin of the United Nations, Completing the fertility transition,Special Issue n. 48-49, 2002, pp. 429-441

11. Garenne M., Situations of fertility stall in sub-Saharan Africa, African Population Studies Vol. 23 N°2/Etude de la Population Africaine, 16 pp.

12. Jordan Smith D., Contradictions in Nigeria’s Fertility Transition: the burdens and benefits of having people, Population and Development Review, vol. 30, n. 2, June 2004, pp. 221-238.

13. Lesthaeghe R., The Fertility Transition in sub-Saharan Africa into the 21st Century, PSC Research Report, 14-823, July 2014.

14. Ortega J.A., The fertility transition in sub-Saharan Africa: Early transition rise and (slow) decline, Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Chicago, 2009.

15. Shapiro D., Gebreselassie T., Fertility Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa: Falling and Stalling, African Population Studies, Vol. 22, No. 2/Vol. 23, No. 1, 2008, 30 pp.

16. Swartz L., Fertility transition in South Africa and its implications on the four major population, Population Bulletin of the United Nations, Completing the fertility transition,Special Issue n. 48-49, 2002, pp. 487-500

17. Ouadah-Bedidi Z., Vallin J., Toward replacement level: unexpected recent changes in Maghrebian fertility, XXXVII Iussp International Conference, Session S410, 2013.

4. Il fenomeno dello Youth Bulge

1. Aning K,& Atta-Asamoah A., Demography, environment and conflict in West Africa, KAIPTC Occasional Paper No. 34, April 2011, 26 pp.

2. Assaad R. and Roudi-Fahimi F, Youth in the Middle East and North Africa: demographic opportunity or challenge?, Population Reference Bureau, 2007, 8 pp.

3. Cincotta R.P., Half a Chance: Youth Bulges and Transitions to Liberal Democracy, ECSP Report , Issue 13, 2008–2009, pp. 10-17.

4. Cummins, M., Ortis, I., When the Global Crisis and Youth Bulge Collide, Double the Jobs Trouble for Youth, UNICEF, Social and Economic Policy Working Paper, 2012. 47 pp.

5. Fuller G.E., The youth crisis in Middle Eastern Society, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, 2004, 13 pp.

6. Fuller G.E., The youth factor. The new demographics of the Middle East and the implications for U.S. policy , The Saban Centrer for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, Analysis Paper, N. 3, June 2003, pp 1-36

7. Moller H., Youth as a Force in the Modern World, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 10, N. 3 (Apr., 1968), pp. 237-260

8. Urdal H, Demograpy and Armed Conflict: Assessing the Role of Population Growth and Youth Bulges, CRPD Working Paper No. 2, September 2011, pp. 14

9. Urdal H, The Demographics of Political Violence: Youth Bulges, Insecurity and Conflict, in Too Poor for Peace? Global Poverty, Conflict and Security in the 21st Cent ury, eds. L. Brainard and D. Chollet, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, DC, 2007, pp. 90-100
[chiedere il file alla docente]

10. Urdal H, A clash of generations? Youth Bulges and political violence, UN/POP/EGM-AYD/2011/10, July 2011, pp. 14

11. USAID, Youth and conflict: , A Toolkit for Intervention, Usaid, Washington, 2005, 31 pp.

12. Lam D., “Youth bulges and youth unemployment”, IZA World of Labor 2014:26

13. Hoffman M., Jamal A., The Youth and the Arab Spring: Cohort Differences and Similarities, Middle East Law and Governance 4 (2012) 168–188.

14. Sommers M., Governance, Security and Culture: Assessing Africa’s Youth Bulge, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, n. 5, 2, 2011.

Core Documentation

- Angeli A., Salvini S., “Introduzione” e “Note Tecniche” in Popolazione e sviluppo nelle regioni del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007.
- Natale M. (a cura di), Economia e popolazione, F. Angeli, Milano, 2002, cap. 2, § 2.3, La transizione demografica, pp. 57-64.
- Nobile A., Modernizzazione e transizione demografica. Il cammino della popolazione europea nel XIX secolo, in T. Bonazzi, D. Fiorentino, A. Nobile (a cura di), Nazionalizzazione e modernità, Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2014, pp. 151-167.
- Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, nuova edizione 2018, cap. IV, La demografia contemporanea verso l’ordine e l’efficienza, pp. 147-198.
- Natale M. (a cura di), Economia e popolazione, F. Angeli, Milano, 2002, cap. 2, § 2.4, La seconda transizione demografica: un’interpretazione demo-sociale dell’attuale comportamento riproduttivo dei paesi europei, pp. 67-75.
- De Santis G., Demografia ed economia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1997, cap. 3, La teoria della produzione familiare e la razionalità dei comportamenti demografici, pp. 109-156.
- Reynaud C., L’invecchiamento demografico: situazione, determinanti, conseguenze e soluzioni, Dispense, 2017, 23 pp.
- Sistema sanitario e conseguenze dell’invecchiamento, Dispense, 2017, 14 pp.
- Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, nuova edizione 2018, cap. V, La popolazione dei paesi poveri, pp. 199-262.
- Bussini O., Politiche di popolazione e migrazioni, Morlacchi Editore, Perugia, nuova edizione 2010, cap. secondo, Le politiche di popolazione, pp.15-36; capitolo terzo, L’attuazione delle politiche di popolazione, pp. 59-86.
- Farina P., La via cinese alla transizione demografica: dal controllo alla libera scelta, relazione presentata alle VIII Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione, 2-4 febbraio 2009, 20 pp.
- Wang F., Baochang G., Yong C., The End of China’s One-Child Policy, Studies in Family Planning, 47, 1, 2016, pp- 83-86.
- Guarneri, A. Le migrazioni internazionali , Dispense, 2010, 23 pp.
- Bonifazi C., Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi: realtà e prospettive, in C. Bonifazi (a cura di), Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi: realtà e prospettive, Roma, IRPS-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ePublishing, 2017, pp. 7-41.
- Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, nuova edizione 2018, cap. VI, Il futuro , pp. 263-328.

Reference Bibliography

Livi Bacci M., Storia minima della popolazione del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2018.

Type of delivery of the course

The didactics includes frontal lessons, but also group exercises assigned during the course.


The attendance of lessons, although recommended, is not mandatory.

Type of evaluation

The verification of learning takes place through an oral test lasting about 1 hour, aimed at verifying the level of effective understanding of concepts and the ability of students to apply them in real contexts. However, it is also necessary to make an in-depth examination on Developed Countries and one on Less Developed Countries (in the form of an oral presentation during the course, for those attending, and a written essay to be delivered one week before the exam appeal, for those not attending).