The Course provides a comparative introduction into the most relevant administrative law models in Europe and in USA, focusing on the general principles of administrative law and on their applications into the legal orders considered. The goal is to offer a theoretical basis to understand the most actual administrative law issues with a view to building a critical capacity of analyse the related application problems
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21810174 DIRITTO AMMINISTRATIVO COMPARATO in Scienze delle pubbliche amministrazioni LM-63 DI LASCIO FRANCESCA


The course focuses on the following topics:
1 - Comparative Remarks in Administrative Law
2 - The most Relevant Administrative Systems
3 - Common Law Systems vs Administrative Law Systems
4 - The influence of European Law on National Systems
5 - Comparative Administrative Law and Global Law:
6 - Convergence and Integration into National Models
7 - Administrative Organization: trends and problems
8 - Forms of Action of the Public Administration and Administrative Proceedings: trends and problems

Core Documentation

Prescribed Text: M. D'Alberti (ed.), Diritto amministrativo comparato, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019.

During the lectures furthers materials may be indicated, which will be part of the exam program. The additional readings will be made available on the teacher's web page or through the University Library System (SBA).

Type of delivery of the course

The students will be able to participate: - at lectures held by the reference teacher - at the examination of case studies closely related to the lectures, with the assignment of active presentation tasks and organization of the discussion in the classroom - at seminars on specific topics held by external experts, under the supervision of the reference teacher - at conferences organized in the field of programme "Studenti in rete" with the cooperation of the University of Firenze, Torino and Udine. - at support sessions for setting up research work.


Attendance is not mandatory but suggested in order to improve the study method

Type of evaluation

The exam of Comparative Administrative Law will take place orally and will be articulated on questions concerning the whole program, so as to assess the level of skills acquired by the student in terms of knowledge, organization of reasoning and its verbal representation. Attending students will have the opportunity to take advantage of a personalized setting of the exam program and support for the preparation of a research paper to be discussed during the exam. Active frequency during the course will be a positive evaluation element. During the COVID - 19 emergency period, the exam will be held in accordance with the provisions of art.1 of the D. R. no. 703 of May 5, 2020.