With the beginning of the new millennium, the hot topics of public law were related to the cycle of human life (life beginning, reproductive choices, end of life, mandatory vaccinations, etc.), but today they are also opening up to the critical issues emerging from the development of Artificial Intelligence. The public health emergency of Covid-19 has further placed bio-juridical choices at the center of (our or everyone) attention. It is for the broadening of all these new themes that the question on the relationship between science, technology and law (bio-law, more precisely) assumes relevant importance. The seminar activity will mainly have a casuistic and practical cut and - despite being open to all the students - constitutes an ideal corollary of the attendance to the Biolaw course. The objective of the seminar is raising awareness on the relevance of the new life technologies in the ethical and political choices as well as acquiring the essential tools for an approach to these issues that has to be necessarily multidisciplinary.


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810236 SEMINARIO - BIODIRITTO E COSTITUZIONE in Relazioni internazionali LM-52 (docente da definire)

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810236 SEMINARIO - BIODIRITTO E COSTITUZIONE in Relazioni internazionali LM-52 (docente da definire)