The course is to give students a thorough grounding in the written and spoken language, and to equip students with a knowledge of the history and culture of Arabs and Islam.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20710276 LINGUA ARABA 1 in Lingue e mediazione linguistico-culturale L-12 SOLIMANDO CRISTINA


The course will provide the most important morpho-syntactic notions with particular attention to the communicative structures in daily life contexts.

Core Documentation

Ruocco M., De Benedittis A., Introduzione alla scrittura araba. Hoepli
Mion G., La lingua araba. Carocci
Salem A., Solimando C., Imparare l'arabo conversando. Carocci
Veccia Vaglieri, Avino M., Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua araba. Istituto per l'Oriente

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons are conducted both in presence and in streaming.

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of a written and an oral session.