The course aims to introduce students to the knowledge of main dynamics concerning current extremism, radicalisation and terrorism as well as providing fitting methodological expertise to analyse them.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Violence and political violence: movements, socialisation and individualisation - Defining terrorism, defining radicalisation - Factors of radicalisation - Communication and radicalisation - Theory and models on terrorism and radicalisation - Gender and radicalisation - De-radicalisation and counter-radicalisation: introductory notes - Sources, methodologies and tools in terrorism and radicalisation studies: a case-study about young people facing to radicalisation.

Core Documentation

Attending students:
- Antonelli F., Radicalizzazione, Milano, Mondadori 2021.
- Papers selected by the professor.


Non-attending students:
- Antonelli F., Radicalizzazione, Milano, Mondadori 2021.
- Marinone L. et al., Far-right, far-left, separatism and religious extremism. A comparative desk research on drivers (Report of the Horizon2020 Project "PARTICIPATION" available on the Moodle platform).

Reference Bibliography

- Kepel G., Il ritorno del profeta. - Khosrokhavar F., Jihadism in Europe: European Youth and the New Caliphate. - McDonald K, Radicalisation. - Mingione E., L'odio e la follia. Il caso di Anders B. Breivik. - Musolino S., Soggettività femminili e violenza politica. - Orsini A., Anatomia delle brigate rosse. - Orsini A., L'Isis non è morto. Ha solo cambiato pelle. - Schmid A.P., The Routledge Handbook of Terrorism Research. - Wieviorka M., Making Terrorism.

Type of delivery of the course

During COVID-19 Emergency, the class will be held on-line, according to art. 1, Rectoral Decree n. 703, May 5th 2020. Educational activities: lessons; workshops and classworks; lectures; homework. Lessons particularly aims to teach an appropiate methodological-based capability to analyse terrorism and radicalisation.


To attend lessons is optional. Nevertheless, it is strongly recommended to fully achieve all educational goals.

Type of evaluation

Attending students: - During the course and in the final test, Students will be evalutated with written papers, public presentations and group works. Such tests aim to assess theoretical, conceptual, methodological and critical faculties to analyse radicalisation and terrorism. --- Non-attending students: - Oral test. The test aims to assess theoretical, conceptual, methodological and critical faculties to analyse radicalisation and terrorism.