The course aims to provide basic knowledge of the socio-legal phenomenon of deviance and crime by looking at a series of theories that will be related to macro-concepts such as: the ideology of social defence, the crisis of the rule of law, justicialism as a political and media phenomenon, the guarantee and protection of fundamental rights, the meaning of punishment. The course will then analyse the phenomenon of “white collar crime” and corruption, both in politics and in the Public Administration. Finally, the course also aims to understand the functioning of the penitentiary institution and administration.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to provide useful tools to understand the phenomenon of deviance, crime and punishment in Western societies through the most important theories of international and Italian legal-criminal sociology.
In the first module, we will work on the Liberal School of Criminal law, on the ideology of social defence, on psychoanalytic theories of crime, on deviance and regulatory voids, on the "labelling approach", on the sociology of conflicts in reference to the criminal phenomena, the political corruption and the crime of the "white collars", on the prison and the social marginality, on the prospect of the school of Critical criminology.

Testi di riferimento obbligatorio
● A. Baratta, (a cura di Anna Simone), Criminologia critica e critica del diritto penale. Introduzione alla Sociologia giuridico-penale, Mimesis, 2019.

Core Documentation

Testi di riferimento obbligatori
● A. Baratta, (a cura di Anna Simone), Criminologia critica e critica del diritto penale. Introduzione alla Sociologia giuridico-penale, Mimesis, 2019. (obbligatorio per tutti)
● A. Simone, La devianza femminile nell’ordine discorsivo criminologico e nella sociologia giuridico-penale. Un approccio critico, in C. Rinaldi, P. Saitta (a cura di), Criminologie critiche contemporanee, Giuffrè, Milano 2018. (In aggiunta solo per chi fa l'esame da 7 o 8 CFU, la dispensa si trova nella Biblioteca del Dipartimento oppure online)

Reference Bibliography

Testi di riferimento obbligatori ● A. Baratta, (a cura di Anna Simone), Criminologia critica e critica del diritto penale. Introduzione alla Sociologia giuridico-penale, Mimesis, 2019. (obbligatorio per tutti) ● A. Simone, La devianza femminile nell’ordine discorsivo criminologico e nella sociologia giuridico-penale. Un approccio critico, in C. Rinaldi, P. Saitta (a cura di), Criminologie critiche contemporanee, Giuffrè, Milano 2018. (In aggiunta solo per chi fa l'esame da 7 o 8 CFU, la dispensa si trova nella Biblioteca del Dipartimento oppure online)

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be carried out through face-to-face lectures on the exam programme and thematic insights on the individual topics covered.During the course the students will be actively involved through the study of texts and through the seminary activity.


Attendance is not mandatory, but recommended.

Type of evaluation

-The oral exam is carried out through at least 4 questions to verify the knowledge of all the texts of the program. Only for attending students the first question is chosen.The final judgment will be: the knowledge of the contents of the requested arguments; exposure mode;the ability to critically analyse themes; linguistic mastery.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810525 CRIMINE, DEVIANZA E CORRUZIONE in Relazioni internazionali LM-52 A - Z SIMONE ANNA


The course aims to provide useful tools to understand the phenomenon of deviance, crime and punishment in Western societies through the most important theories of international and Italian legal-criminal sociology.
In the first module, we will work on the Liberal School of Criminal law, on the ideology of social defence, on psychoanalytic theories of crime, on deviance and regulatory voids, on the "labelling approach", on the sociology of conflicts in reference to the criminal phenomena, the political corruption and the crime of the "white collars", on the prison and the social marginality, on the prospect of the school of Critical criminology.

Testi di riferimento obbligatorio
● A. Baratta, (a cura di Anna Simone), Criminologia critica e critica del diritto penale. Introduzione alla Sociologia giuridico-penale, Mimesis, 2019.

Core Documentation

Testi di riferimento obbligatori
● A. Baratta, (a cura di Anna Simone), Criminologia critica e critica del diritto penale. Introduzione alla Sociologia giuridico-penale, Mimesis, 2019. (obbligatorio per tutti)
● A. Simone, La devianza femminile nell’ordine discorsivo criminologico e nella sociologia giuridico-penale. Un approccio critico, in C. Rinaldi, P. Saitta (a cura di), Criminologie critiche contemporanee, Giuffrè, Milano 2018. (In aggiunta solo per chi fa l'esame da 7 o 8 CFU, la dispensa si trova nella Biblioteca del Dipartimento oppure online)

Reference Bibliography

Testi di riferimento obbligatori ● A. Baratta, (a cura di Anna Simone), Criminologia critica e critica del diritto penale. Introduzione alla Sociologia giuridico-penale, Mimesis, 2019. (obbligatorio per tutti) ● A. Simone, La devianza femminile nell’ordine discorsivo criminologico e nella sociologia giuridico-penale. Un approccio critico, in C. Rinaldi, P. Saitta (a cura di), Criminologie critiche contemporanee, Giuffrè, Milano 2018. (In aggiunta solo per chi fa l'esame da 7 o 8 CFU, la dispensa si trova nella Biblioteca del Dipartimento oppure online)

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be carried out through face-to-face lectures on the exam programme and thematic insights on the individual topics covered.During the course the students will be actively involved through the study of texts and through the seminary activity.


Attendance is not mandatory, but recommended.

Type of evaluation

-The oral exam is carried out through at least 4 questions to verify the knowledge of all the texts of the program. Only for attending students the first question is chosen.The final judgment will be: the knowledge of the contents of the requested arguments; exposure mode;the ability to critically analyse themes; linguistic mastery.