Theory and practice of negotiation, and construction of scenarios and negotiation processes, adapting and working on concepts and topics acquired in other subjects of the Master's programme, such as International Agenda, International Public Law, International Security and International Organisations and Global Governance. Development and strengthening of negotiation skills in the diplomatic and professional sphere, aimed at designing, evaluating and adopting decisions or carrying out specific actions. Development of conflict diagnoses, based on theoretical frameworks, for the design of policies, programmes and projects for their resolution, in the fields of security, economy, the multilateral system and global governance. Drafting of projects of different models of resolutions (political, economic, security) of an International Organisation, and of speeches for their presentation and defence; acquiring or exercising communicative skills in writing and oratory specific to the professional field of International Relations. Development of a strategic communication plan. Different forms of communication: classification of channels and tools. Communications to specific groups: relations with the government, financial communications. Public speaking and persuasion techniques.
teacher profile | teaching materials


-Theory and practice of negotiations, construction of scenarios and negotiation process ,
- International Security, International Organizations and Global Governance.
-Development and strengthening of negotiating skills in the diplomatic and professional field. -Drafting of projects of different kinds of resolutions (political, economic, security) of an International Organization, and of speeches for their presentation and defense;
- Development of a strategic communication plan. Different forms of communication: classification of channels and tools. Communications to specific groups: relationship with the government, financial communications. Rhetorical and persuasion techniques.

Core Documentation

Required readings will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Type of evaluation

The oral exam is carried out through questions to verify the knowledge of all the texts of the program. The final judgment will be: the knowledge of the contents of the requested arguments; exposure mode;the ability to critically analyse themes; linguistic mastery.