El curso trata la historia, el sistema decisional y las funciones de los principales organismos internacionales. Se presta particular atención a las Naciones Unidas, la OTAN, la OEA, y otras organizaciones y organismos regionales de Europa y Asia-Pacífico. El curso incluye el tratamiento de las teorías generales del derecho internacional público, la teoría de la seguridad colectiva y la teoría general de las fuentes, los órganos y los sujetos.

teacher profile | teaching materials


-Main international Organization. Evaluation of their decision-making system and of their roles.
- How international Organizations work,
- international economic organizations and their development from a critical perspective.
- Role of economic and financial international organizations.
- International cooperation and sustainable development
- Non-governmental international organisations.
-Preparation of events, programs and projects to be carried out by an international organization.
-Identification and classification of the priorities in an agenda.

Core Documentation

Required readings will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Type of delivery of the course

Analysis of current theoretical and practical cases

Type of evaluation

The oral exam is carried out through questions to verify the knowledge of all the texts of the program. The final judgment will be: the knowledge of the contents of the requested arguments; exposure mode;the ability to critically analyse themes; linguistic mastery.