This course is based on the assumption that each country's domestic policy conditions its foreign policy. The theorists who debate the subject are studied. In the case of Argentina, the course starts with the Consolidación Nacional (Consolidation of Latin America) and continues up to the present day, with particular attention to the Malvinas conflict. With respect to Latin America, we look at the processes of the formation of nation states and their foreign policies. The cases of Chile, Brazil and Mexico are analysed. With regard to 20th century foreign policies, the case of Mexico and the recent Inter-American problem are examined in depth, including the presidential summits. The course concludes with an overview of the globalisation process and a workshop on writing the essay required at the beginning of the course.
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- key issues in the formulation and implementation of a foreign policy.
- The Relationship between the domestic and the international context
- Critical analysis of the main historical events, of the current situation and of future perspectives in Argentinian and Latin American Foreign Policy
-Opportunities and challenges in the connections with the United States and China.
-Brazil and its foreign policy.
-Limits and opportunities of Argentinian Foreign Policy

Core Documentation

Required readings will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Type of delivery of the course

Analysis of current theoretical and practical cases

Type of evaluation

The oral exam is carried out through questions to verify the knowledge of all the texts of the program. The final judgment will be: the knowledge of the contents of the requested arguments; exposure mode;the ability to critically analyse themes; linguistic mastery.

teacher profile | teaching materials


- key issues in the formulation and implementation of a foreign policy.
- The Relationship between the domestic and the international context
- Critical analysis of the main historical events, of the current situation and of future perspectives in Argentinian and Latin American Foreign Policy
-Opportunities and challenges in the connections with the United States and China.
-Brazil and its foreign policy.
-Limits and opportunities of Argentinian Foreign Policy

Core Documentation

Required readings will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Type of evaluation

The oral exam is carried out through questions to verify the knowledge of all the texts of the program. The final judgment will be: the knowledge of the contents of the requested arguments; exposure mode;the ability to critically analyse themes; linguistic mastery.