This course presents general theories and fundamental rules of public international law. The topics are dealt with in their fundamental aspects and through the analysis of cases. The focus of the course includes the origin and evolution of international law, from national to international jurisdiction, regionalism, and the emergence of technical expertise, dispute settlement mechanisms, human rights and the regime of spaces. It presents the main trends of change since the creation of the United Nations, the Cold War and the emerging post-Cold War scenario.

teacher profile | teaching materials


-Development of International Law

-General theory applied and regulation in Public International Law.

- Diplomatic procedures: negotiation, mediation, conciliation, investigation. ---

Jurisdictional procedures: Arbitration, International Court of Justice, ad-hoc international courts.

-Public International Law at the regional level.

-The Second World War as a turning point in relation to the role of ethical requirements in the framework of the international system.

-Main advances in the field of Public International Law since the creation of the United Nations, during the Cold War and in the Post-Cold War system.

-Universal System for the protection of Human Rights. Conventional and extra-conventional protection

-Community law and national law

Core Documentation

Required readings will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Type of evaluation

The oral exam is carried out through questions to verify the knowledge of all the texts of the program. The final judgment will be: the knowledge of the contents of the requested arguments; exposure mode;the ability to critically analyse themes; linguistic mastery.