The course is aimed at providing the main tools for acquiring the dimension of the environment in contemporary political, social and economic analysis. From this point of view, the following educational objectives are set in the specific:

- frame the environment in the economic disciplines and acquire the theoretical groundings of the environmental economics and policy

- know the tools framed in the economic theory for identifying, assessing and minimizing threats and/or damages to the environment

- understand the issues of environmental resources (soil, air, water, finite and renewable energy sources) in a short and medium-long term perspective of development economics and development policy

- study the topic of energy as a renewable and non-renewable natural resource and the related environmental issues

- identify the environmental positions, actions and programs of some of the main players in the European and world system

- acquire knowledge of the tools for evaluating the environmental aspects of the investment projects
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810363 ECONOMIA DELL'AMBIENTE E DELL'ENERGIA in Relazioni internazionali LM-52 A - Z MAGAZZINO COSIMO



The extended economy
Environment and ethics
Economic growth, population growth and the environment
Sustainable development
The functioning of the markets and the causes of their failure
The failure of public intervention
Cost-benefit analysis
The evaluation of the interest for nature
Addressing uncertainty
Recourse to the market to protect the environment
The establishment of taxes for the use of the environment
Ecological taxes
Trade in environmental permits
Setting environmental standards
Renewable resources
Non-renewable resources


Core Documentation

Textbooks (not mandatory):
Turner R.K., Pearce D.W., Bateman I., Economia ambientale, il Mulino, 2003
Aprile M.C, Chiarini B., Economia dell’ambiente, Mondadori, 2019
Franzini M., Mercato e politiche per l’ambiente, Carocci, 2007
Panella G., Economia e politiche dell’ambiente, Carocci, 2010

Further texts (one book of your choice):
Beverina L., Futuro materiale, il Mulino, 2020
Bompan E., Brambilla I.N., Che cosa è l’economia circolare, Edizioni Ambiente, 2021
Butera F.M., Affrontare la complessità, Edizioni Ambiente, 2021
Carli B., L’uomo e il clima, il Mulino, 2017
Carraro C., Mazzai A., Il clima che cambia, il Mulino, 2015
Clô A., Energia e clima, il Mulino, 2017
Clô A., Il rebus energetico, il Mulino, 2008
De Paoli L., L’energia nucleare, il Mulino, 2011
Fazioli R., Lenza D., Appunti di Economia dell’Energia, Volta la carta, 2021
Lorenzoni A., Il risparmio energetico, il Mulino, 2012
Massarutto A., Un mondo senza rifiuti?, il Mulino, 2019
Menna P., Pauli F., L’energia solare, il Mulino, 2010
Ranci P. (a cura di), Economia dell’energia, il Mulino, 2011
Ranci P., Leonardi M., Susani L., Poveri d’energia, il Mulino, 2016
Raworth K., L’economia della ciambella, Edizioni Ambiente, 2017
Stahel W.R., Economia circolare per tutti, Edizioni Ambiente, 2019
Tagliapietra S., L’energia del mondo, il Mulino, 2020
Testa C., Elogio della crescita felice, Marsilio, 2020
Tinacci Mossello M., Politica dell’ambiente, il Mulino, 2008

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching includes lectures, but also group exercises assigned during the course. The attendance of the lessons, although recommended, is not mandatory.

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of a written and an oral test. Both include theoretical and practical questions relating to the whole program.