This course focuses on the critical role transportation plays in economic, social, and environmental sustainability. In fact, transportation is global and fundamental to the economy and society, so effective action requires appropriate coordination both vertically, among different governance levels, and horizontally, among various stakeholders. The objective is to show what governments and stakeholders can do to effectively plan and implement a smart, green and efficient transport system, also through the illustration of case studies related to the definition and evaluation of transport policies.
teacher profile teaching materials
Definition of sustainability: link between transport, environment and development
Preserving resilient transport to climate change
Wide reforms on a low-carbon path
Financing issues for mitigation and adaptation
Relevance of sustainable urban freight transport
Stakeholders involved and their role
Types of intervention measures, innovative solutions and best practices
Behavioural analysis and planning
This course is taught in English.
Block, R., Kopp, A., Limi, A. (2013). Turning the right corner : ensuring development through a low-carbon transport sector. Directions in development: environment and sustainable development. Washington DC; World Bank.
Curtis C. (2020). Handbook of Sustainable Transport. Research Handbooks in Transport Studies series. Edward Elgar, USA.
Macharis C., Melo S. (2011). City Distribution and Urban Freight Transport. Multiple Perspectives. Edward Elgar, UK.
Articles published in High-Quality Scientific Journals will be provided during the course.
Fruizione: 21810416 SUSTAINABILITY, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. AND TRANSPORT in Politiche per la Sicurezza Globale: Ambiente, Energia e Conflitti LM-52 A - Z GATTA VALERIO
Definition of sustainability: link between transport, environment and development
Preserving resilient transport to climate change
Wide reforms on a low-carbon path
Financing issues for mitigation and adaptation
Relevance of sustainable urban freight transport
Stakeholders involved and their role
Types of intervention measures, innovative solutions and best practices
Behavioural analysis and planning
This course is taught in English.
Core Documentation
Required readings:Block, R., Kopp, A., Limi, A. (2013). Turning the right corner : ensuring development through a low-carbon transport sector. Directions in development: environment and sustainable development. Washington DC; World Bank.
Curtis C. (2020). Handbook of Sustainable Transport. Research Handbooks in Transport Studies series. Edward Elgar, USA.
Macharis C., Melo S. (2011). City Distribution and Urban Freight Transport. Multiple Perspectives. Edward Elgar, UK.
Articles published in High-Quality Scientific Journals will be provided during the course.
Type of delivery of the course
Class proceedings (online if needed) consist of inter-active lectures. The instructor will draw attention to the key points in the texts on the basis of adequate contextualization, and to difficulties of interpretation. The instructor will also refer to the key issues in current debates through relevant examples, cases and comparisons. Each session requires active participation. The possible contribution by one or two qualified guest-lecturers will be sought.Attendance
Attendance is mandatory for both International Studies and Erasmus students. Signatures will be taken at the beginning of the lesson. The maximum number of justified absences is equal to 3. Attendance requires that students read the texts assigned during the course, so that they can actively participate in classroom discussions.Type of evaluation
For attendants, there will be an on-going evaluation. The final grade is the result of the following components: (1) class participation; (2) assignments during the course (in class presentations based on scientific texts/articles); (3) written paper related to a specific topic. For non attendants, the evaluation will be based on a written exam with open-ended questions related to the following books: Block, R., Kopp, A., Limi, A. (2013). Turning the right corner : ensuring development through a low-carbon transport sector. Directions in development: environment and sustainable development. Washington DC; World Bank. Curtis C. (2020). Handbook of Sustainable Transport. Research Handbooks in Transport Studies series. Edward Elgar, USA (part 1 and part 3). Macharis C., Melo S. (2011). City Distribution and Urban Freight Transport. Multiple Perspectives. Edward Elgar, UK (chapters 1-4).