21810431 - Transportation economics

The course aims to deepen the knowledge of some of the tools of applied transport economic analysis. in particular, it offers to students an interpretative and methodological key for treating the economic relation between transportation and territory based on the assumption that transport systems play a fundamental role for the development of industrial and tourist activities as well as for urban sustainability.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810431 ECONOMIA DEI TRASPORTI in Amministrazioni e Politiche Pubbliche LM-63 MARCUCCI EDOARDO


The course offers an interpretative-methodological framework to the transport-territory economic relationship, based on the assumption that the transport system is a pre-requisite for the development of industrial and tourist activities. With this in mind, the course deals with the problems that arise in the study of the four main modes of transport, with the further objective of outlining the theoretical state of the art of this research field.

In more detail, the following topics are discussed: 1) Transport historical and geographical dimension - (Economy and transport in the twentieth century; The global development of transport; Congestion: consequence of the imbalance between modes); 2) Transport regulations - (Community legislation, Italian legislation, transport infrastructure as a natural monopoly, regulation of the infrastructure market as an agency problem, the natural monopoly structure, deliberative democracy and transport regulation); 3) Costs of transport systems - (opportunity costs, shadow prices, sunk costs, external costs, classification of transport costs, trends in transport costs, joint costs and associated costs in the provision of transport services; General cost of transport, costs of transport safety); 4) The analysis of the infrastructural supply - (Economic nature of the transport infrastructures; Infrastructural equipment: concept and purpose; The transport networks; Network economics; Infrastructure capacity analysis); 5) The maritime transport system - (The maritime transport market, The containerized maritime transport, The capacity of a port infrastructure, The analysis of port competitiveness, The operational costs of the maritime transport service, Perspectives of development of the Italian and European port); 6)
The railway transport system - (Italian railway transport, the network as a natural monopoly, the effects of the liberalization of railway transport, the de-regulation and liberalization, the costs of rail transport, the other transport systems with restricted driving); 7) The road transport system - (Roads, road transport, effects of upgrading urban transport infrastructure, an economic analysis of road congestion, market failures in road use and correction policies; Private cost, social cost of the road system); 8) Air transport systems - (Fixed installations in air transport; Air transport between regulation and deregulation; Air fleet; Operational capacity management and pricing techniques; Cost structure in the air sector; Chartering services; low cost carriers; the air transport production function); 9) The analysis of the transport demand - (Analysis of the demand for mobility; Models with discrete choice for the estimation of the demand for mobility; Conjoint analysis and estimation of the demand for mobility; Typologies and project of the surveys; The four-stage model for the estimation of the mobility application); 10) Transport pricing - (The allocation function of tariffs and the limits of traditional methods; Charging systems with excellent prices and discrimination; Transport rates, Ramsey of dynamic price regulation); 11) Evaluation of investments in the transport sector - (Analysis and experimentation of investments in the transport sector, Cost-Benefit Analysis (ACB), Evaluation of extra market assets, Multi criteria analysis).

Core Documentation

Marcucci E., Gatta V., Le Pira M. (2023). Handbook on City Logistics and Urban Freight. Edward Elgar, UK. (Capitoli - 1,2,3,8,11,15, 16, 19, 21,23)

Economia e politica dei sistemi di trasporto, 2008, Fabio Carlucci,Andrea Cirà, Franco Angeli, Milano.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures in presence (on line if necessary) and project work.


Class participation is highly recommended yet not compulsory

Type of evaluation

Students must undertake a research project and submit a presentation a presentation that will be given in class to all participants which will contribute to the final evaluation. Students will also present a summary of the work done in class. In addition, there is a 1 hour written test in which students will have to answer 3 questions in open form on topics discussed and illustrated in class during class. During the COVID-19 emergency period, the profit examination will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of art.1 of the Rectoral Decree no. 703 of 5 May 2020. The final exam includes an oral exam with questions related to the course carried out in order to verify the knowledge acquired.