The aim of the course of Labor Law in Public Administrations is to provide basic knowledge on the relationship of public employment to people which are going to carry out tasks of responsibility within public administrations or public companies. The course aims to highlight the main characteristics of trade union relations and the employment relationship in public administrations, underlining the main differences with the private employment relationship due to the particular characteristics of the employer
teacher profile | teaching materials


Public employment and consitutional principles
- Collective bargaining procedures and collective agreement
- Hiring procedures
- Public employe's duties and rights; Wages
- Disciplinary procedures
- Public management
- Redundancy procedures and individual dismissals

Core Documentation

- L. Fiorillo - Il diritto del lavoro nel pubblico impiego, Piccin Editore, ultima ed.

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons will be take place in classroom



Type of evaluation

Exams will be oral. Questions range from a minimum of three to a maximum of four and concern both the subject of the individual employment relationship and trade union law. The student must show sufficient knowledge of the subject and be able to make connections between the different labour law's topics.