The aim of the course is to provide knowledge for the construction and interpretation of statistical indicators on digital society and economy at the international and European level. Students will be introduced to statistical sources, statistical methods and analysis models to grasp the complexity of digitalization processes.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Digitalization: concepts and definitions. The main statistical measures of digitalization. The construction of synthetic indicators: theory and applications. Statistical models for digital divide analysis.

Core Documentation

OECD (2008) “Handbook on Constructing Composite Indicators. Methodology and user guide”
(online http://www.oecd.org/std/42495745.pdf)

United Nations (2019) Guidelines on producing leading, composite and sentiment indicators.
(online https://unece.org/DAM/stats/publications/2019/ECECESSTAT20192.pdf)

European Commission (2022) Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2022. Methodological Note (online https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/desi)

Giuseppe Arbia, Statistica, nuovo empirismo e società nell'era dei Big Data, NUOVA CULTURA, 2018.

Gary Koop, Logica statistica dei dati economici. UTET Università, 2001

ISTAT (2022) Report Imprese e ICT
Dispense del docente su piattaforma Moodle, sezione Materiali didattici.

Reference Bibliography

Stefano M. Iacus, Guido Masarotto Laboratorio di statistica con R, McGraw-Hill Education, 2007 Giuseppe Espa, Rocco Micciolo, Problemi ed esperimenti di statistica con R, Apogeo Education, 2014 Evangelista, R., Guerrieri, P., & Meliciani, V. (2014). The economic impact of digital technologies in Europe. Economics of Innovation and new technology, 23(8), 802-824. Ficarra, M., Rückert, D., Weiss, A., & Weiss, C. (2021). Digitalisation in Europe 2020-2021. European Investment Bank. URL:https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/50602 Kravchenko, O. (2019). Digitalization as a Global Trend and Growth Factor of the Modern Economy. In SHS Web of Conference 65 (pp. 434-443). Mammadli, E., & Klivak, V. (2020). Measuring the effect of the Digitalization. Available at SSRN 3524823. Available at SSRN 3524823.

Type of delivery of the course

Class lectures and seminars on the main topics.


The student who chooses to attend the lessons will have the opportunity to acquire quantitative tools in the classroom to facilitate the understanding of the course topics.

Type of evaluation

The examination will consist of an oral test. Students who attend at least 80 percent of the lectures may prepare a term paper on a topic to be agreed upon with the lecturer. The term paper adds 1 or at most 2 thirtieths to the final grade achieved in the oral examination.