The course aims to provide students with extensive knowledge and to develop study and critical skills concerning the interaction between law, science and new technologies through the learning of theoretical and general aspects, the methodology necessary to identify the critical points and the analysis of the national and international context.

The course aims to offer:

-the necessary knowledge to enable the students to apply, where possible, the traditional institutions of law to the above mentioned fields;
-delve into legal knowledge in order to deal with juridical-technological problematic issues proficiently
-the skill to address on a practical level the issues object of study by means of the development of specific activities (practical exercises in class, moot court, presentation and discussion of case study).

teacher profile | teaching materials


General Part
1. Science-based regulation and the Constitution in the digital society

Special Part

1. The digital transformation and the digital divide
2. The right to education and the digital culture
3. The right to privacy
4. The general principles concerning the processing of personal data and the conditions of lawfulness
5. The personal data processing and the right of the interested part, with particular reference to the right to be forgotten
6. The processing of genetic and biometric data
7. The european governance of data and the european strategy. The Fight for Digital Sovereignty
8. Artificial intelligence and law
9. The use of artificial intelligence in the public administration
10. Digital justice and predictive algorithms
11. Information, media and freedom of expression in the digital society
12. Internet platforms and the public communication
13. Cyber security

Core Documentation

1) A. Iannuzzi, Il diritto capovolto. Regolazione a contenuto tecnico-scientifico e Costituzione, Editoriale scientifica, Napoli, 2018, pp. 1-182

2) Manuale sul diritto europeo in materia di protezione dei dati, Agenzia dell’Unione europea per i diritti fondamentali e Consiglio d’Europa, 2018, pp. 1-301 e 363-387 disponibile online (free): https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/5b0cfa83-63f3-11e8-ab9c-01aa75ed71a1/language-it/format-PDF, da pag. 1 a pag. 276

3) G. Pitruzzella, La libertà di informazione nell'era di internet, in MediaLaws, 2018, (27 pagg.), disponibile online (free): http://www.medialaws.eu/rivista/la-liberta-di-informazione-nellera-di-internet/

4) C. Casonato - B. Marchetti, PRIME OSSERVAZIONI SULLA PROPOSTA DI REGOLAMENTO DELL’UNIONE EUROPEA IN MATERIA DI INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE, in Biolaw Journal, 2021, (23 pagg.) disponibile al seguente link: https://teseo.unitn.it/biolaw/article/view/1793/1767

5) A. Simoncini, IL LINGUAGGIO DELL’INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE E LA TUTELA COSTITUZIONALE DEI DIRITTI, in Rivista AIC, 2023, (39 pagg), disponibile online (free): https://www.rivistaaic.it/images/rivista/pdf/2_2023_01_ConvegnoAic2022_10_Simoncini.pdf

6) R. Brighi e P.G. Chiara, La cybersecurity come bene pubblico: alcune riflessioni normative a partire dai recenti sviluppi nel diritto UE, in Federalismi.it, disponibile online (free): https://www.federalismi.it/ApplOpenFilePDF.cfm?artid=45896&dpath=document&dfile=08092021182035.pdf&content=La%2Bcybersecurity%2Bcome%2Bbene%2Bpubblico%3A%2Balcune%2Briflessioni%2Bnormative%2Ba%2Bpartire%2Bdai%2Brecenti%2Bsviluppi%2Bnel%2Bdiritto%2BUE%2B%2D%2Bstato%2B%2D%2Bdottrina%2B%2D%2B

7) A. Iannuzzi, La governance europea dei dati nella contesa per la sovranità digitale: un ponte verso la regolazione dell’intelligenza artificiale, in Studi parlamentari e di politica costituzionale, 2021 (la Rivista è disponibile in biblioteca, il saggio è a fotocopiare).

Type of delivery of the course

In-class lectures. Practical exercises on current topics and on hard cases. In-depth seminars on the most relevant topics.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination