The Course, which is for students with a good overall understanding and practical knowledge of the German language, Level B1 (looking to improve specific grammar, written and spoken skills), will build on previously acquired listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. They will further develop their political and cultural knowledge in German-speaking countries. The course is taught in German and is divided into a linguistic section, which pays particular attention to the acquisition of sectoral lexicons in the political-legal and historical-economic fields, and a thematic section, which is devoted to the German-speaking region through texts and documents of various kinds from newspapers, non-fiction books, films and literature, whereby literature serves as a model for complex cultural communication, aesthetics and criticism.
Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, die bereits von Studenten erworbenen Sprachkompetenzen durch die Vertiefung der politisch-kulturellen Erfahrungen im deutschsprachigen Raum zu perfektionieren. Es gliedert sich in einen sprachlichen Teil, der dem Erwerb sektoraler Lexika im politisch-juristischen und historisch-ökonomischen Bereich besondere Aufmerksamkeit widmet, und einen weiteren thematischen Teil, der dem deutschsprachigen Raum durch Texte und Dokumente unterschiedlicher Art aus Zeitungen, Sachbüchern, Filmen und Literatur gewidmet ist, wobei die Literatur als Modell für komplexe kulturelle Kommunikation, Ästhetik und Kritik dient.
Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, die bereits von Studenten erworbenen Sprachkompetenzen durch die Vertiefung der politisch-kulturellen Erfahrungen im deutschsprachigen Raum zu perfektionieren. Es gliedert sich in einen sprachlichen Teil, der dem Erwerb sektoraler Lexika im politisch-juristischen und historisch-ökonomischen Bereich besondere Aufmerksamkeit widmet, und einen weiteren thematischen Teil, der dem deutschsprachigen Raum durch Texte und Dokumente unterschiedlicher Art aus Zeitungen, Sachbüchern, Filmen und Literatur gewidmet ist, wobei die Literatur als Modell für komplexe kulturelle Kommunikation, Ästhetik und Kritik dient.
teacher profile teaching materials
Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Die Physiker, Diogenes, Zürich 1998.
Heinar Kipphardt, In der Sache J. Robert Oppenheimer, 14. Auflage, rororo (Rowohlt Verlag), Hamburg 2014.
The course aims at giving students an extensive knowledge of the events concerning the birth, the employ and the consequences of nuclear energy. Starting with the analysis of the theatre against the atomic bomb, especially through Bertold Brecht's, Friedrich Dürrenmatt's and Heinar Kipphardt's works, the main features of the German debate in the Sixties on the so-called "Atomfrage" are further outlined. The role of the scientist embodied by J. Robert Oppenheimer is at the centre of reflection, as he is suspended between fascination and moral scruples towards his own invention, by giving different interpretations of his ethical responsibility.Core Documentation
Bertolt Brecht, Vita di Galileo. Leben des Galilei (provided with parallel text into German), edited by Giuseppina Oneto, Einaudi, Torino 2014.Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Die Physiker, Diogenes, Zürich 1998.
Heinar Kipphardt, In der Sache J. Robert Oppenheimer, 14. Auflage, rororo (Rowohlt Verlag), Hamburg 2014.
Reference Bibliography
Lecture notes (Powerpoint presentations, photocopies) provided in class and available on Moodle platform.Type of evaluation
Students are asked questions on the content of the plays which have been analyzed during the lessons. Further questions deal with the point of view of the writers about the moral responsibility of the scientist, by trying to underline similarities and differences. Knowledge of historical facts and German language skills are also object of evaluation. teacher profile teaching materials
Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Die Physiker, Diogenes, Zürich 1998.
Heinar Kipphardt, In der Sache J. Robert Oppenheimer, 14. Auflage, rororo (Rowohlt Verlag), Hamburg 2014.
Mutuazione: 21810395 CULTURE DEI PAESI DI LINGUA TEDESCA in Politiche per la Sicurezza Globale: Ambiente, Energia e Conflitti LM-52 A - Z LOCURATOLO ANTONIO
The course aims at giving students an extensive knowledge of the events concerning the birth, the employ and the consequences of nuclear energy. Starting with the analysis of the theatre against the atomic bomb, especially through Bertold Brecht's, Friedrich Dürrenmatt's and Heinar Kipphardt's works, the main features of the German debate in the Sixties on the so-called "Atomfrage" are further outlined. The role of the scientist embodied by J. Robert Oppenheimer is at the centre of reflection, as he is suspended between fascination and moral scruples towards his own invention, by giving different interpretations of his ethical responsibility.Core Documentation
Bertolt Brecht, Vita di Galileo. Leben des Galilei (provided with parallel text into German), edited by Giuseppina Oneto, Einaudi, Torino 2014.Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Die Physiker, Diogenes, Zürich 1998.
Heinar Kipphardt, In der Sache J. Robert Oppenheimer, 14. Auflage, rororo (Rowohlt Verlag), Hamburg 2014.
Reference Bibliography
Lecture notes (Powerpoint presentations, photocopies) provided in class and available on Moodle platform.Type of evaluation
Students are asked questions on the content of the plays which have been analyzed during the lessons. Further questions deal with the point of view of the writers about the moral responsibility of the scientist, by trying to underline similarities and differences. Knowledge of historical facts and German language skills are also object of evaluation.