The course aims to provide students with an overview of naturally occurring compounds implicated in major biological processes, along with some aspects of their chemical behavior. Knowledge will be provided on the chemical synthesis of the main natural polymers through solid phase techniques and application of natural macromolecules in organic synthesis. Finally, we will know about the use of databases for the search for the chemical and biological properties of organic substances.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20402508 CHIMICA DELLE SOSTANZE NATURALI E DELL'AMBIENTE in Biodiversità e gestione degli ecosistemi LM-6 N0 TOFANI DANIELA


Introductory notes on the chemistry of natural substances. Characteristics of secondary metabolites. Allelopatic substances. The biosintetic ways of secondary metabolism.
Metabolism of acetate. Prostaglandins. Aromatic polychetides. Anthraquinones. Cannabinoids. Aflatoxins. Tetracycline.
The metabolism of shikimato. Biogenesis of shikimato. Cinnamic acids. Lignins. Fenilpropani. Benzoic acids. Coumarins. Flavonoids. Tannins. Isoflavones. Terpenoid chinons.
The metabolism of the mevalonate. Biogenesis of mevalonic acid. The various types of terpens and derived compounds. Iridoids. Gibberellins. Structural characteristics of animal steroids. Phytosterols.
Alcaloids: definition, original amino acids and nomenclature. Biosynthesis and activities of the main types of alcaloids: cocaine, nicotine, curari, morphine, loganin, lysergic acid, coniine.
Notes on carbohydrates. Cianogenic glucosides. Streptomycin.
Secondary metabolites of peptidic origin. Interferons. Opious peptides. Peptidic toxins: ricina and botulino. Penicillins.

Core Documentation

P.M. Dewick : Medicinal Natural Products, Wiley
Files of lessons that can be downloaded from the professor's website

Type of delivery of the course

The course is based on face-to-face lessons using pwp presentations.

Type of evaluation

The evaluation takes place through the presentation of a pwp lecture on a molecule of interest. Recent literature articles on the subject should be studied. The presentation must deal with: -the biosynthetic pattern, if it is known; -the biological effects on microorganisms, plants or animals; -any therapeutic uses specifying the biochemical and/or physiological role of the substance.