The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge of European Union institutions and deepen the legal aspects of the common agricultural policy, which constitutes a significant part of the Union's budget, either in theory or in practice, identifying profiles of major food regulation and the supply chain, also with reference to consumer rights.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Lessons will provide fundamental skills and knowledge of the national, intemational and European regulation of production and marketing of food and agricultural products. Lessons wilI cover the relevant sources of law, administrative practice and case law, with a special focus on the judgements of the EU Court or Justice. The course wilI be divided into two sections. The first one wilI provide an overview of the main institutes of European agrifood law (sources of law, Institutions, procedures, technical glossary).

The second one will address specific issues, such as:

• Standardization ofthe agrifood market;

• Competition law;

• Food security and consumer protection;

• Common agricultural policy of the European Union;

• Biotechnology and environmental protection.

Regulations, case law materials and course syllabus will be distributed.

Core Documentation


• A. GERMANÒ - M.P. RAGIONIERI - E. ROOK BASILE, Diritto agroalimentare,

Torino, Giappichelli, 2014;

• A. LATINO, L'evoluzione del processo di liberalizzazione del commercio dei

prodotti agricoli nel diritto internazionale, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2018

J.A. McMAHON, EU Agricultura/ Law and Policy, Cheltenham (UK) -

Northampton (MA-USA), Edward Elgar, 2019.

Reference Bibliography

- P. BORGHI - S. RIZZOLI - L. COSTATO - V. PAGANIZZA - L. SALVI, Compendio di diritto alimentare, Padova, CEDAM Wolters K1uwer, 2019; - A. GERMANÒ - M.P. RAGIONIERI - E. ROOK BASILE, Diritto agroalimentare, Torino, Giappichelli, 2014; - A. LATINO, L'evoluzione del processo di liberalizzazione del commercio dei prodotti agricoli nel diritto internazionale, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2018

Type of delivery of the course

There will be Lectures held by the teacher, meetings with food-law operators, self-assessment tests and seminars with the active participation of students.

Type of evaluation

The exam consists in the oral questioning of the student with various questions on the topics of the course.