The course traces the origins and development of typical products of the Italian agro-food culture to the birth of Made in Italy, it is understood as the result of an economic exploitation strategy and a symbol of Italian industrial excellence. Next to the historical reconstruction we will develop the deepening of the economic importance of the Made in Italy food, with particular reference to the sector role in Italian foreign trade and its position in the global value chains.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course mainly will cover the following topics:
1. Quality and technology for the production of Protected Designation of Origin (DOP) dairy products:
- The Parmigiano Reggiano, the Grana Padano and Trentigrana. The processing for obtain these Italian food products and their effects on the
sensorial and nutritional quality. Methods to assure the quality of these Italian food products. The DOP label and their rules for production;
- The Gorgonzola and the Mozzarella di Bufala Campana. Rules for the production for these DOP food products. Sensorial and nutritional properties.
- The yogurt. Traditional and innovative methods for the production of thisfermented food product. The quality of milk, the fermentation step, hystorical and innovative methods of productions. The main steps affecting the nutritional, functional and sensorial properties;
- The production and the quality of the ice-cream. Differences between artisan and industrial production. Nutritional properties. Effect of the ingredients on the physical quality of the ice-cream. The food formulation and the main step of processing.
2. The honey. Nutritional and sensorial quality of the most important Italian honey. Methods of productions. Uni- and multifloral honey: differences and quality.
3. Technological methods for the production and the improvement of some Italian food products. Sun dehydration, Solar drying, nutritional enrichment by vacuum, etc.
4. The use of additive in food formulation to improve physical functionalities, for prolonging shelf life or to improve nutritional and sensorial properties. Case study: the use of organic acid in food formulation and the use of gelling substances.
5. Italian food product with protected designation of origin (DOP and IGP)
The origins, the transformation technologies and the characteristics of the typical considered food will be treated.

Core Documentation

Yoghurt Science and Technology, CRC Press.
Chimica e tecnologia del latte (Tecniche Nuove).
Teaching material provided by lecturer

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course will cover the following topics:
- Origins and general information of cereals and pseudocereals
- Chemical characteristics and quality parameters of flours
- Techniques and technologies of grinding, fermentation, cooking and preservation
- Nutritional value of cereal-based products
- Gluten-free products
- Breakfast cereals
- Cereal-based beverages: beer and barley water
- Typical cereal-based foods in Italy
-Bakery products (bread, focaccia bread, piadina)
-Neapolitan pizza
-Sweet baked products

Core Documentation

Kulp K., Ponte J.G., 2000. Handbook of Cereal Science and Technology. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Atlante slow food dei prodotti regionali italiani. Slow Food Editore, Bra, 2015
Teaching material provided by lecturer

Type of delivery of the course

This is a lecture-based course held by the instructor

Type of evaluation

The oral exam consists of questions about the topics of the program