The course traces the origins and development of typical products of the Italian agro-food culture to the birth of Made in Italy, it is understood as the result of an economic exploitation strategy and a symbol of Italian industrial excellence. Next to the historical reconstruction we will develop the deepening of the economic importance of the Made in Italy food, with particular reference to the sector role in Italian foreign trade and its position in the global value chains.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course will cover the following topics:
- Main conservation methods of food: traditional, conventional and innovative systems. Preserved,
semi-preserved and minimally processed food (fresh-cut, IV Gamma)
- Main alterations of food due to manipulations, technological treatments and preservation systems.
- Main factors affecting the development and control of these alterations (aw, pH, temperature, UV,
packaging atmosphere, type of conditioning, chemical composition, etc.)
- Food Shelf Life: Modeling and Prediction. Food with expiration date and food with advised date
of consumption.
- Hazard Analysis and Prevention Systems based on HACCP
- Examples of food processing and preservation flow sheets

Core Documentation

C.Pompei "La trasformazione industriale di frutta e ortaggi" Edizioni Edagricole
P. Cappelli,V. Vannucchi “Chimica degli alimenti. Conservazione e trasformazione”
Editore Zanichelli
Teaching material provided by lecturer