20410402-3 - CHIMICA

Training the promotion, management and critical analysis of educational processes in experimental sciences, with particular reference to Biology, Chemistry and the Earth sciences.
Improve technical and methodological skills related to the adoption and elaboration of educational strategies and teaching tools. Use the laboratory and field experience as a methodology for learning Biology, Chemistry and Earth sciences.
Use multimedia tools and web resources as a teaching strategy for learning Biology, Chemistry and Earth sciences.
Use teaching methodologies and technologies to study the relationship between science and society.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20410402-3 CHIMICA in Geologia del Territorio e delle Risorse LM-74 VENDITTI IOLE


CHEMISTRY module: Chemical contents in secondary school guidelines and school texts. The representation of matter in chemistry: the three levels of representation of matter and the Johnstone triangle; the logical structure of chemistry. The Language of Chemistry: Atoms and Molecules. Reactions: Chemistry in action
From Chemistry to Biology. Nature and origins of alternative conceptions (misconceptions) in Chemistry
Strategies for learning chemistry. Digital technologies in the teaching of chemistry.

Core Documentation

references given in class

Type of delivery of the course

frontal teaching

Type of evaluation

dissertation discussion