20410225 - ECOLOGIA

Major goals of this course are the achievement of solid skills in the various sectors of ecology (such as ecosystem, community and population ecology); solid training in basic ecology and applied ecology address to promote the protection, conservation and enhancement of natural resources; the strengthening and application of previously acquired knowledge (such as Botany and Zoology) in an ecological context; field observation and analysis of ecological issues; the development of interest in ecological questions in relation to man and environment; to develop basic elements for the collection, organization and interpretation of ecological data, both in laboratory and in field.
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Looking at nature through different perspectives: ecological principles from ecosystems to populations, origin and development of ecology as a science. Ecology as a group of subdisciplines.

Ecosystem ecology: factors related to distribution of biomes. The main terrestrial biomes. Biomes and climate change. Ecology of ecosystems. Energy in ecosystems. Thermodynamic aspects of energy flows. Trophic structure. Production and productivity. Primary and secondary production. Methods for measuring primary productivity. Ecological pyramids. Biogeochemical cycles. Main biogeochemical cycles. Changes to biogeochemical cycles related to anthropic activities.

Community ecology: Community structure. Community analysis methods. Community dynamics. Ecological successions. Methods for studying succession. Diversity. Meaning and calculation of diversity. The factors that regulate diversity. Diversity in different ecosystems. Threats to biodiversity. Red lists of endangered species. The exotic species. Examples in Italian flora and fauna. Bioindicators.

Population ecology. Population structure and dynamics. Selection r and k. Inter-specific relationship interactions. Interspecific competition and ecological niche. Physical environment and organism-environment relations. Ecological factors. Response of organisms to environmental factors. Stress-Disturbance. The C-S-R strategies.

Ecosystems conservation and management. Biodiversity Conservation. Introduction to conservation ecology. Protected areas.

Introduction to landscape ecology. Landscape structure and landscape dynamics, landscape and ecosystem management.

Introduction to urban ecology. Major features of urban ecosystems.

Core Documentation



The material will be indicated by the teacher during the lessons

Reference Bibliography

COTGRERAVE, P. & FORSETH, I. 2004. INTRODUZIONE ALLA ECOLOGIA. ZANICHELLI. TOWNSEND, C., HARPER, J. & BEGON, M. 2000. L'ESSENZIALE DI ECOLOGIA. ZANICHELLI. CHELAZZI, G., PROVINI A, & SANTINI G. 2004. ECOLOGIA, dagli organismi agli ecosistemi. Ed. Ambrosiana BULLINI, PIGNATTI & VIRZO DE SANTO. 1998. ECOLOGIA GENERALE. UTET. The material will be indicated by the teacher during the lessons

Type of delivery of the course

Classroom exercises: students bring laptops to carry out exercises on ecological sequences, on biological forms, on diversity and on animal and plant populations. The results are subsequently projected and discussed. Monothematic seminars on current ecology issues: Biodiversity, threats and responses; Air quality in the territory of Roma Capitale: results achieved and critical issues still existing; Communicate in ecology ?; Remote sensing in Ecology; Biodiversity and global climate change

Type of evaluation

Learning verification takes place through a written test lasting 2 hours. The writing is organized through open questions aimed at verifying the level of effective understanding of the concepts and the students' ability to apply them in real contexts. The teacher then analyzes and discusses the task with each student.

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