Providing key knowledge of GIS applications to territorial studies, especially for geological purposes. Codification of real information through vector and raster models. Digitization and design of spatial data and relational data model (SQL language) basic concepts. Analysis of orthophotos, topographic maps. Basic principles of digital thematic mapping, reference systems and basic techniques for acquiring spatial data. Processing of digital elevation models (DEM) and basics geospatial analysis of vector data.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Providing key knowledge of GIS applications to territorial studies, especially for geological purposes. Spatial analysis with the open source “QGIS” (including the tools of GRASS, GDAL/OGR, SAGA). Codification of real information through vector and raster models. Web GIS. Digitization and design of spatial data (e.g. urban areas and river basin) and relational data model (SQL language) basic concepts. Mention of the creation and management of DBMS (database management system). Analysis of orthophotos, topographic maps. Basic principles of digital thematic mapping, reference systems and basic techniques for acquiring spatial data (e.g. from GPS, remote sensing, laser scanning, Lidar ecc.). Processing of digital elevation models (DEM) and extraction of contours, slope, shade, aspect from a DTM (Digital Terrain Model). Examples of basics geospatial analysis of vector and raster data. Creation of layout (e.g. geological map).

Core Documentation

Course material (ppt, pdf e word, sofwater, gis data) and scientific articles provided by the professor, web learning
Book for further detailed studies (optional)
Noti V. “GIS Open Source per Geologia e Ambiente”, Ed. Flaccovio (2014)