Earth is a dynamic system in constant evolution. The arrangement of emerged lands, the abundance of some elements, climate, life, profoundly changed over the 4.5 billion years of its history. We will retrace back in time the milestones of the evolution of the Earth, the possible causes of those pivotal changes, their repercussions in our everyday life (with a special insight to the genesis of georesources), and we will discuss possible future scenarios.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Prof. Angelone:
Archaean to Holocene climates, palaeogeography and history of life on Earth

Core Documentation

Earth System History, 4a edizione, S.M. STANLEY, J.A. LUCZAJ (2014)

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures with PPT slides.

Type of evaluation

The examination consists in an evaluation interview in order to assess the student acquired knowledge of the topics discussed during the lessons.